Whoa! Been a while….
First I got distracted, then I got sick, then I got busy (and distracted), and then I ended up with the November blahs. Yeah, it’s been a long few months. (Though the “busy” part was fun – I had one of my best friends over from Scotland for a week, and we had a blast!)
Getting over the blahs now, and I have a wonderful announcement!
I now have a brand new first cousin-once-removed; my cousin Alain and his wife Claudia had Kaleb James one week ago today! The second of the new generation of O’Dea-Judds (actually, that was my place for our generation…) – my niece Zoe – whose first birthday was on the 9th – being the oldest. (Though we Ontario family members only found out about him on Sunday….) I have even more reasons to look forward to my short XMas visit to St. John’s now!
So, welcome to the family, Kaleb!
Back to general update…. While Loui (the aforementioned Scottish friend) was here, she got me hooked on Supernatural. *sigh* So, now I have another new fandom – and another one I’m writing stories for!
Yes, I have two Supernatural stories underway. One will (most likely) be published in Blackfly Presses Chinook Vol. 7 (debuting at MediaWest*Con 2007), and the other will be ‘net published. More details to follow….
Now, I’ve got to catch up on everything from… what? August?! Yeesh! I know what I’m doing this weekend (aside from the CPR/AED refresher course on Saturday…).
Later, all!
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