So, as can be seen by the title, I’m going to be an aunt for the fifth time, come around about the end of August! Yay! Congrats to my brother and sister-in-law, and my younger niece – who announced to me via Skype last Sunday that she was going to be a big sister!
Yes, I knew about this last week, but not everyone in the immediate family had been told, so I waited until I’d confirmed that everyone had been told before posting this. And now the family knows, so I can shout it out!
And they chose an interesting reveal. Below is an ad that my sister-in-law (Anna) did for Blacks Photography for Mother’s Day (it was filmed in March). Yes, that’s really her mother there. (If you check out the pictures on the stairs, there’s one of my father and brother when my brother was a wee titch, and one of Anna and her mother on their wedding day – I was there when that photo was taken!) And yes, that’s how her mother was told. 🙂
As my life skills counselor mentioned, the new baby (99% likely to be a girl, I’m told) will have a record of how ба́ба Marina was told about her! [Transliteration/etymology note: ба́ба (pron. “baba”) means “granny”; it’s short for бабушка (pron. “babushka”), meaning “grandmother”.]
So very proud that the family’s getting larger again. 🙂
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