So, it’s the second week of April, and what have I done?
Not much, I’m afraid. Started out okay, though not great, on the first… and then didn’t write, and didn’t write. *sighs at self* As of yesterday, I only had about 1,028 words written. That’s not much for being a third of the way through the month!
Today, I took a different tack. I went back to my NaNoWriMo roots, and went to a coffee shop. I figured the change in scenery would help get things moving. (And I also reduced my word count goal to 35K words for the month, but if I can keep at the rate I’ve started going today, I’ll be able to bring it back up to 50K….)
It’s just after 19:30 hrs here, and I’ve added another 2,010 words. And I’ve just started a new scene, with so much fun to play with…. So I’m doing well now, and came up with a good way to break the block I was running into.
Which leads me to a piece of advice, for any others doing Camp NaNo who are reading this. If you’re not getting anywhere with your story, or you keep running into roadblocks… try changing the scenery around you. Sometimes we need to get away from the everyday.
Also, you may notice that my theme has changed. Yeah, I was running into a few problems with the old theme, so moved it around. The original menu items are now under the “Main Pages” menu, and I’ve added more menus for other things that I figured people might be interested in. 🙂
‘Later, all!
🙂 tag