This Year’s Goals: GYWO, FRC, Health

So, I know this post is a little late to be announcing my goals for this year (and I haven’t posted for about 3/4 year), but better late than never – and I was working on some of my goals this past month, which helped me decide that they were possible. (Always a good thing when it comes to goals!)

First off, my writing goals!

  • GYWO: Found out about a writing goals group called Get Your Words Out, which involves making a pledge to write either a certain number of words, or for a certain number of days, each year. I joined with the Moderate word count goal – 250,000 words in a year – and have so far managed to do myself proud, with 37,370 words written in January. (The Moderate goal breaks down as 683 words/day, with monthly goals based on the number of days in a month; I hit my January monthly goal on January 16th!) They’re primarily on Dreamwidth, but also have a Discord server that’s very active and supportive.
  • Search and Rescue: I am bound and determined to get the second draft of Search and Rescue finished this year! I’ve already made some progress, and plan to get more done over the next couple of months. GYWO is helping me with that, a lot.
  • Year of the OTP 2025: So, there’s this fanfic challenge on Archive of Our Own called Year of the OTP; it involves writing for prompts (there’s a list of prompts for each month that can be used) for your One True Pairing, any fandom. I’m writing Modao Zushi (AKA Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation) fanfics for it, using the canon pairing of Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian. Don’t know if I’ll get the challenge done (at least one story for every month), but I’m having fun trying! I’ve already got two stories for two different January prompts posted.
  • This Blog: I’m going to try to post more often, both on here and on my Autism Blog. No guarantees, but I’m going to try!

Next, my reading goals!

  • Fanfic Reading Challenge: Through the GYWO Discord server, I discovered the Fanfic Reading Challenge (FRC). It’s basically a challenge for reading fanfic, that encourages you to spread your wings on the fandoms, authors, pairings, and types of fan works that you read. Again, it has an active Discord server, that’s lots of fun!

And last, but hardly least, my health goals!

  • Losing Weight: I have to lose weight. I’ve been working on it since mid-April of last year, using NOOM (I recommend them, though the app can be sometimes a bit buggy), and I’ve made measurable progress (both scale-wise and appearance-wise). I’m just going to keep doing what I’m doing!
  • Exercise: I’m also going to try to work on getting more exercise. My endurance sucks extremely badly, so I’m getting a rollator, one I can use to sit on when I get tired. (I can’t walk two blocks without needing to sit at the moment.)

I am also moving out of my apartment and to a “mother-in-law suite” little house that my Mom built in my sister’s driveway (it’s attached to my sister’s house via her kitchen). My mom is going in to assisted living (the minimal type), so I’m moving in by the end of this month. This will help me a lot, with a number of things – including, I’m hoping, my exercise goals. My sister has a little rat terrier that my niblings are… not the greatest at taking for walks, so I’m going to try doing that with her.

Hope to post again reasonably (AKA much less than 9 months) soon!

🙂 tag0

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