Remember, way back in November of 2008, I started NaNoWriMo for the first time, and finished an SF novel, Search and Rescue? And I think I said something somewhere about having to re-write it, because some of what happened was seriously impractical, and I had them going from tension-up-point to eating, to tension-up-point, to eating, etc.? (Or maybe I just said that to Vathara.)
Anyway… it took me three years (until last spring / summer; mid-May, I think) to finish the re-write of Chapter 5 (there are 14 chapters). Chapters 1-4 didn’t need much adjustment, and were already partly adjusted before NaNo ’08 ended.
So, between last mid-May and now, I’ve gotten to the beginning of Chapter 8 (which has a major event… well, the major event is at the end of Chapter 7, but 8 is where the two protagonists finally really start becoming friends). I haven’t done any writing on this since… December, I think? (Last fall and this past winter were seriously stressful.) Maybe September.
But, there was the first meeting of the Newfoundland Writers’ Group MeetUp today, and I got pumped by it. So I spent the rest of the afternoon (after everyone else left) and after dinner working in minor edits for Chps. 1-7, and I’m now working on getting farther in Chapter 8! Yay me! 😉
Anyway, I am writing my original fic as well as fanfic again. (Which reminds me… does anyone want to see some stuff from my other unfinished fic, or would you rather wait until it’s finished?)
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