NaNoWriMo 2010: Overnight Writing Session

Okay, the Toronto NaNoWriMo Overnight Writing Session has just finished less than an hour ago (it went from 10pm yesterday to 8am this morning), and I’m sitting in the Second Cup across Yonge from the location where it was.

I had a great time there. I’ve been making more friends/acquaintances from among the Toronto NaNo community over the past two Friday nights, and one of them chose to sit at the same table I was at, so I had companionship from more than just the people a table or two away from where I was. (Not to mention Errol… so we just won’t mention him. ;))

As always, the upper room was the Loud Room (aka All Right, Where Did They Get The Elephants From?!), and the lower room was the Quiet Room (though there was definitely some talking there). I always tend to stay in the Quiet Room, because I come to the OWS to actually write, not just socialize (though I managed to do a bit of that as well). So I was in the Quiet Room all night.

And I managed to write a total of almost 11,000 words throughout the night (I finished the last 300 words of those 11K here at the Second Cup)! I’ve written a bit more since then; so far my word count going from midnight is 8,873 words (I wrote 2,998 words between 10pm and midnight). And my total word count at the moment is a whopping 66,018.

Yes, you read that right, people; I’ve currently got over 66,000 words written on my novel, all since November 4th (which is when I finally got started writing this thing, as opposed to my original story idea).

My current goal for today is to reach 70,000 words, which would put me exactly on goal for reaching 100K words for November 30th. (I want to get more – I think the story is demanding more, though I’m coming up on the climax of the first part – but we’ll see what happens.) Meaning I’ve got to get 4,000 more words today. I’ll be back to working on it when I finish this post, and I’ll update again tonight with the results.

Oh, and my Word War team, the Book Wyrms, is currently in the lead by about 100,000 words. Even over the Overachievers Team (though that will change once more of us hit 100,000, because at that point, our totals will be added to their team as well as count for our own… but the Overachievers Team is doing something different from the rest – see my two previous posts). This is a wonderful thing. Especially wonderful because it’s fun.

Other than that… there were a few laughs and giggles down with us, and there was an issue with one of the kettles (it only worked if you actually held the kettle down, and then that stopped working), but things went wonderfully in my opinion – and I have 11 little stars (well, shaped stickers) for each of the 1,000 words I managed to write during the Session.

I’m happy. It’s been a good OWS. I’m also tired, but that has to wait until I get home. *shrugs* Another 1-1/2 hours here, then up to Y&E to have brunch with the aunts. Then I can crash. After I get another 1,000 or so more words written here, and more on the way up to brunch, and on the way home. *grins*

‘Later, all!

😉 tag0

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NaNoWriMo 2010 Update #2

Well, I’ve done it. I’ve hit 50,000 words (actually, 50,044 as of this time). I originally meant to get to this point by last Monday, but… well, having sinus migraines for three days can kind of interfere with your writing. Wasn’t fun. So, it’s now Friday morning (early Friday morning). I reached 49,545 words – along with the start of Chp. 7 of Lost and Found – by midnight, less than an hour ago. Since then, I’ve passed the finish line. Yay me!

But there’s definitely still more to go. I have a goal aside from finishing Lost and Found for NaNoWriMo this year. It involves Toronto’s Word War. This year, unlike other years, we aren’t competing against a different city – we’ve won the last several, and it’s started to get just a wee bit boring. So we’re competing against ourselves. There are five main teams (I’m on Team Book Wyrms, and at the moment, we’re winning!), along with Team Overachiever, which is made up of those who made over 100,000 words last year. And every Word War team member who makes over 100,000 words this year will be put on Team Overachiever as well as their own team.

Why is this so important, you wonder?

Well, aside from the fact that I have a feeling that Lost and Found, like the prequel Search and Rescue, will be over 100K words, and I’d really like to finish the first draft by the 30th… Team Overachiever is participating in a donation drive for The Office of Letters and Light, which is NaNoWriMo’s parent, non-profit company. For every half million (500 thousand) words written by Team Overachiever, you pledge how much you want to donate, and then at the end of the month, donate it. So I want to help that. I won’t hit 500K words, I know that much, but my 100K+ will definitely count.

I believe in what OLL wants to do, admire the help they provide for the Young Writers’ Program (kids in school and under 12 who participate in NaNoWriMo), and want to encourage writers to participate in events such as NaNoWriMo. To do all that, and things that they want to do to improve both programs – as well as Script Frenzy and its accompanying Young Writers’ Program, which takes place in April – they need the help that donations provide. So I do my best to do what I can.

Anyway, the basic point of this post was to go, “Yay! I won again this year!”, and to let you know what my ambitions are for the rest of the month. Tonight I go to a write-in session at the Starbucks by the TTC Runnymede Station, and tomorrow (Saturday) to Sunday morning is the Overnight Writing Session, which I’m looking forward to as always.

To those following on my LJ who aren’t quite at the current word goal… I wrote a pep talk (now here on my LJ) for the topic shown in yesterday’s Procrastination Station, Pep Talks from the Unpublished. I do encourage you to read the thread – there are a hell of a lot of excellent pep talks from fellow NaNoers there, and one of them (or more!) might resonate with you. The originator of the topic even wrote a Pep Poem that’s a short way down the page that I found myself both laughing at and agreeing wholeheartedly with.

Will probably post another entry on Sunday to discuss today’s writing session (last week’s was wonderful) and the Overnight Session.

‘Later, all!
😉 tag0 (TrudyG)

P.S. By the way, if any NaNoers are reading this journal who haven’t friended me on NaNoWriMo, I invite you to do so. As I said in my pep talk, a large part of NaNoWriMo is the community, and the more connections we make, the more encouragement we get. And thank you to those who have posted replies to my previous NaNoWriMo entries encouraging me – every little bit helps, and it’s partly thanks to you that I’ve made it to 50K so quickly.

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NaNoWriMo Pep Talk

So, there was a topic on yesterday’s NaNoWriMo Procrastination Station called “Pep Talks from the Unpublished” – which was basically a solicitation for pep talks from fellow NaNoers. I read through it, and I thought: A) it was a wonderful idea; and B) that there were some really, really good pep talks there. So I was inspired to write one (while I should have been trying to finish 50K by midnight!). No idea whether you’ll find it good or not, but I hope it encourages someone, at least. It did me, while I was writing it!

TrudyG’s Pep Talk!

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NaNoWriMo 2010 Update #1

*heaves pleased sigh*

Well, I’ve done it. I’ve managed to catch up to the expected wordcount for today (well, Nov. 9th). (And surpass it by 450 words.) By dint of heroic effort today (which included over 8,000 words written over the course of the afternoon and evening), I am finally where I should be in the count for my novel. This is good. This is very good. *grins, pleased*

And what’s even better is that I’ve got this far thanks to bouncing help from Vathara, and being evil to my characters. And no pirate ninja zombies needed!

So, with any luck, I shall continue to overcome the difficulties of this month and get those words written. Considering I’m participating in Toronto NaNo’s WordWar (I’m a proud member of the BookWyrms team!), and I want to also be a part of the Overachievers team (for which we have to reach 100,000 words-plus), I’m going to have to keep up the momentum.

Yep, so far this week is going far better than the past four.

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NaNoWriMo 2010

Well, I am once again participating in the National Novel Writing Month. Unfortunately, this year I’ve got a slow start, due to my current health issues, and so I’m quite a bit behind on wordcount at the moment. I’m working on it, though, and today seems to be a good day for writing. (Though I’m missing/have missed the Subway Writing Session, unfortunately, due to the fact my stomach was feeling iffy this morning.)

This year’s NaNo Novel is titled Lost and Found, and is a sequel to my 2008 NaNo Novel Search and Rescue.

Not much more to say at the moment; I’ll put up another post when I’m caught up to where I should be in the wordcount totals (so hopefully by Wednesday).

later, all!
😉 tag0

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SaiyukiFic: Mine Pt. 1 (Sanzo/Hakkai pre-slash)

More fic for those Saiyuki 383 fans!

Okay, this story is definitely all Vathara’s fault. I was re-reading “Entanglements” (great Sanzo/Hakkai story, especially with the weirdness – I recommend it highly!), and I got to the part where Hakkai throws a youkai off Sanzo with a thought of “he’s mine“… and my Hakkai!Bunny went, “Ooooh, I wanna do that!” This was the result.

Mine, Pt. 1

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Rant (Because I Need To)

*sigh* I know I haven’t posted since the end of NaNo (which means you didn’t hear about the birth of my first nephew, Dec. 19th!), but right now, I need to rant, and I can’t chat to anyone about it. So if you want to read my rantings about today at work and the cleaners and people who can’t listen to directions, click on the link. Otherwise, hope you’re having a good winter!

Work, the Cleaners and Everything

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