RuroBatt & Life Update…

…Mainly RuroBatt, since that’s been what my life has been for most of the past week (aside from work, but that’s not as important… *g*).

The good news – I’ve finished Pt. 3 of Chapter 2. Soon as I finish this entry, I’m going to be going over all of what I have written of Chp. 2 so far for editing, then going on (most likely after my first patrol) to work on getting Pt. 4 (Departure) written. Things are looking good for beginning to post it at the end of this week, as promised…

In life… *sigh*

My birthday’s in a week. I still have no real idea what I want. Requesting dark curtains for my bedroom (seeing as how I have to sleep during the day, and the light makes it hard); gift cards from Chapters/Indigo (Canadian equivalent to Borders Books, for those south of the 49th parallel); made a specific request from my sister since she was living in Halifax and thus had access to a store that stocked said specific items; sent a location semi-specific request to my parents (seeing as how my sister is down there, and can bring back stuff when she stops over for a few days on Monday – she’s going to be here for my B-Day! For the first time since her first year of Uni!)… Other than that… I really don’t know. *sigh* I’ve always found wish lists hard, and they just seem to get harder and harder each year…

Anyway, that’s my rant over. I’m off to work on RuroBatt and keeping an eye on the cameras…


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More Fic Details…

Well, I have good news for those who are enjoying RuroBatt – I managed to get Pt. 2 of Chapter 2 finished on Saturday, and got started on Pt. 3 of Chapter 2. If all goes well (*crosses fingers*) I hope to have Chapter 2 done, and Pt. 1 ready for posting, by the end of this week. And I’m told the latest bits feel real, which is excellent…

[Regarding Harry Potter and the Sensitive’s Gift and Eye of the Storm, so that the person who asked about HP&tSG will be assured of having a chance to get the answer, as well as anyone else wondering about either or both of those stories: Neither story has been abandoned, and I do fully intend on finishing them. Unfortunately, the Musae are in command of my ability to transfer creativity to paper (or computer screen), and at the moment, Kenshin and Saitô are holding the rest of them off. I don’t think even Voldie would be willing to face Saitô and Battôsai in a bad mood… Once the two of them ease up a bit, EotS and HP&tSG are definitely priorities. I’m really hoping it will be soon, because I don’t like leaving people hanging so long.]

Now, onward to May 14th, 1878…

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Rambling On To My Favourite Topic…

It’s raining today; but despite the cloud cover, it’s not one of those gloomy, broody days… (Or, at least, it’s not for me – don’t know about hethosus and my darling youngest sib daphtpunk.) Instead, it’s one of those lazy days where you sit inside, nice and comfortable, listening to the rain falling outside, and relax.

My knees are feeling much better today (most likely thanks to the application of a coldpack and plenty of rest yesterday) though I still intend to see a doctor about them – don’t want to damage them any more than they are already through genetics…

And now, onto the subject of this ramble…

For the past two weeks with RuroBatt, I’ve been trying to write this conversation in Chapter 2.2. I had a general idea of what I wanted the conversation to be about when I started the scene, but it immediately took a different turn, going straight to the topic I had reserved for the end. So I shrugged and decided to go with it and see what it got me.

Well, what it got me was only being able to write a total of two paragraphs for said scene over the last week, despite being in a writing mood.

So this morning, I sat down with a pot of my favourite “tea to write by” (Twinings Blackcurrant, in case anyone’s curious), and a determination to do a thorough re-write of the scene, this time putting the topics of conversation in the order I wanted them to be in the first place.

Things seem to be going well thus far, although there’s been another slight shift in conversational direction…

Saitô’s being evil at the moment. (*wide evil grin*) Yep, they’re going well.

Later, all!
😉 tag

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Talk About Stress…

When I woke up this evening, I thought it was going to be a great day. Got plenty of sleep (for the first time in three days), was well rested, fairly relaxed, and in a good mood.

Then I left for work.

Got three steps outside my door, and discovered that my right knee (which I had thought was getting better, since it didn’t need any support at work yesterday) was beyond screwed up – every time I put weight on it it feels as though there’s a needle going into it. Painful! So I had to go back and get my cane.

Then, I got to Lawrence West station at about 11:03pm (I generally arrive between 10:59 and 11:04, depending on whether I miss the 10:56 subway at Eglinton West or not), and headed up to wait for the 11:08 #52 bus (which generally arrives between 11:09 and 11:12). It generally takes about 5-7 minutes to get from Lawrence West station to Avenue Rd. at that time of night, so I wasn’t worried until it reached 11:15 and there was no sign of the bus. At 11:20, I called work and let the guy I was supposed to relieve at 11:30 know that I was going to be late.

Finally, the 11:28 bus arrives at – you guessed it! – 11:30. I stagger on board, sit down, and then spend the next 8 minutes getting more and more stressed as the bus goes along.

Arrived at work at 11:40. *sigh*

So I’m here, which is fine, and the guy I’m relieving understands that the whole bus mess was unavoidable…

Now there’s just the problem of my knee, and whether I’ll be able to do any patrols today. *sigh*x2

</end rant>…

Feels good to get that off my chest. Thanks for letting me rant to you…

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The Down-Side of Creative Highs…

Creative highs are all well and good when one is trying to write. And truthfully, I’m reasonably happy to be in the middle of one at the moment, especially since Kenshin and Saitô are the only ones bugging me right now.

Unfortunately, they do have their downsides. Like not being able to go to sleep during the afternoon because the thoughts are whirling around so fast in your head… when you have to spend the entire night at work. *sigh* Well, I’m going to try to get a couple of hours in after I finish the latest Vathara beta-ing… here’s hoping it works!

Later, all!

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Fun Saturdays!

Had a wonderful day yesterday. Slept very well Friday night, then got to relax and do a bit more beta-reading for Vathara yesterday morning, and then in the afternoon it was off to hethosus‘s for a get-together with friends whom I haven’t seen in a while (some not since December). Very nice, relaxed afternoon chatting about anime/manga, science fiction and fantasy, the publishing world, and general friend stuff…

Then I woke up bright and early this morning, ready to do some more beta-ing and some writing of my own… It’s been a good weekend so far!

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Writing – Good!

Good news for everyone enjoying my Rurouni Kenshin fics – I’m finally getting some more written! Thanks go to Vathara, who has been very patient waiting for me to send the updates for beta-ing, and whose latest effort (I won’t spoil the surprise – but will rec it as soon as it’s up!) has provided me with the inspiration to get out of the slump I’ve been in and actually get some work done…


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