More on Books & Weather

Get the weather rant over and done with quickly: It’s getting colder! *Wail*

Re the book: Finished The Fairy Godmother on the way home from work. I was right – wonderful, engaging book. It even has a small Q&A with Misty Lackey at the back.

Lovely story. It’s a fantasy-romance; but unlike a few others I’ve read, where the romance plot is the main storyline, and it seems the fantasy element has just been thrown in to try to increase the appeal, The Fairy Godmother is a real fantasy (written by Mercedes Lackey, how could it be otherwise?) that just happens to also be a romance (PG-17/R-rated for het lemon, I’d say).

And now that I’ve finished, I’ve giving it an even stronger recommendation. If you like fairytales, Mercedes Lackey’s books, and/or romance with strong women (who don’t suddenly become weak and let the hero handle it all), I’d say there’s a very good chance you’ll enjoy this.

Title: The Fairy Godmother
Author: Mercedes Lackey
Publisher: Luna

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More Wacky Weather & Books

Well, the weather’s definitely wacky – was reasonably balmy this past night (all to the good when I’ve got to be outside doing patrols). Didn’t even need gloves or a scarf – and this was after midnight!

Picked up a copy of Mercedes Lackey’s new novel The Fairy Godmother yesterday morning… Almost finished reading it. It’s proving to be quite an interesting and entertaining read, quite different from her Elemental Masters series (though both contain fairytale elements, romance and magic). Very engaging characters and some delightful twists on various fairytales. Highly recommended. And the perfect antidote to the technical problems being encountered at work… (Note: Current Mood is determined by said technical problems.)

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Corralling the Musae

AKA: I have too many stories in too many fandoms on the go right now, and am having difficulty focusing…

HELP! Suggestions for assistance in focusing would be more than welcome, particularly as some of said stories have rapidly approaching deadlines…

*Hiding at the far end of the Plot Bunny Corral and trying to gag Saito and Methos while getting Liam and Heero to focus on telling me what’s going on (as opposed to discussing ‘what defines one as normal/human’ with each other)…*

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How Clear The Night…

Answer: Very clear. Could see the stars (Orion in particular) and the space station very clearly tonight. It’s one of those very cold times when the sky is mostly clear (just a few wisps of clouds) and everything seems sharp-edged and bright. Beautiful… except, of course, for the temperature. That could definitely be better.

Well, rather than turn this into another rant about the weather, just going to say that yes, the sky looks absolutely beautiful tonight. Even the city lights don’t manage to obscure everything.

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Winter, Definitely

Well, it is very definitely winter here now – windchill temperatures have reached below 0 (Celsius). Gods, I’m not looking forward to going on patrol outside tonight…

Mom & Dad, if you’re reading this, you’d better have brought up warm clothes…


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Wacky, Wacky Weather…

Well, Toronto’s living up to its reputation for weird weather today. It’s currently sunny with a few dark clouds, but over the past 8 hours, it’s been 1) dark clouds everywhere with a bit of sunshine coming from somewhere; 2) raining or wet snowfall; 3) windy as all get out (as in howling past my 4th floor window); 4) sunny, bright blue sky, practically cloudless. Each of them more than once.

If Mom & Dad are reading this, I sure hope you’re prepared for the weather…

Later, all!

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Fic Snippet – Stargate SG-1

I’ve got a snippet of an SG-1 fic that I’ve had sitting on my hard drive for several years now, and I’ve never gotten around to actually doing anything with it. Figured I’d post it here and see what people (if anyone’s actually reading this, that is…) think of it.

In essence, it’s a missing scene for “Torment of Tantalus” and an epilogue to the movie – mainly has Catherine and Jack, but its focus is Daniel.

The Pendant

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Jack Frost nipping at your nose…

Well, it seems that after a cool summer and weird autumn, winter is finally here in Toronto (not that that’s a good thing, mind you!). Frosty, cold weather everywhere… ugh! At least we haven’t had snow (crossing my fingers and knocking on wood).

Think I managed to see the space station while on my exterior patrol tonight… It definitely wasn’t a star, and it wasn’t moving, and I think I could vaguely see two of the arms… yeah, it’s a surprisingly clear night tonight.


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First Post

Finally decided I would set up a LiveJournal… think it’s going to be interesting. Now I just need to learn how to do all the fancy stuff… And get some more sleep. Working nights can take it out of you sometimes…

Now I’ve got to go pop by to check my uncle’s cats before I can actually go back to sleep…

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