#NaNoWriMo 2014: Day 20, NaNoWinner!

So, a day later than originally intended (hellish headache yesterday interfered with getting much more than the 1,667 word daily count), but I have now won NaNoWriMo 2014, complete with pretty purple validated word count bar!

So. Word count, as of a few minutes ago, is now 50,429. Let’s march onward to 75K! (And maybe even 100K, if I can make it….)

‘Later, all!

πŸ˜‰ tag

Posted in Accomplishments, Fantasy, Fic, NaNoWriMo, Sekirei, Writing | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

#NaNoWriMo 2014: Day 16, Milestone 3

So, as I guessed (and hoped) last night, I managed to surpass 40K words today! Yay, Milestone #3 conquered! *cheers self on* My current word count is 40,722 words. It might increase a bit in the next 20 minutes, but that’s unlikely, so….

Definitely got on a roll today, and then the next scene is a much-anticipated one, so I’m looking forward to writing that! πŸ™‚

Anyway, with any luck (and discipline) I should be making another post on Wednesday night proclaiming that I’ve reached the 50K goal. Wish me luck!

‘Later, all!

πŸ˜‰ tag

Posted in Accomplishments, Fantasy, NaNoWriMo, Sekirei, Writing | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

#NaNoWriMo 2014: Day 15, Weekly Report

So, I ended up in the Week Two Doldrums last Sunday, and it lasted until Wednesday (inclusive), which is why there hasn’t been a post in between last Saturday and today celebrating either Milestone #3 (40K words) or Winning (50K words), the latter of which I was originally headed for yesterday, before the W2D hit.

I managed to get a very few words written Sunday (less than 100), a few more Monday and Tuesday (between 100 & 200 each day), then just over 900 Wednesday. Since then, I’ve achieved at least 1,667 words, but not necessarily that much more.

As I’m writing this, I’m at just over 36K. I’m going to try to get at least 1K more before midnight, and then I should be able to reach 40K tomorrow, and 50K by Wednesday. So, that’s the plan.

In terms of this week’s Write-In, it was fun! There were no frogs there, but our missing ML “OneWriterWriting” managed to drag himself out, and we had the Usual Suspects. (Yes, if any of you guys happen to be reading this, you have now been dubbed the “Usual Suspects”.) And we discovered that a common thread in our stories involves a prison break of some sort, whether actual or metaphorical, and whether taking place in the novel or in the past and referred to in the novel. (In my case, it was an escape from experimental human testing that took place before the novel but has been directly referred to.) *grins*

At any rate, I definitely expect to have reached 50K before next week’s report. Yay me! Let’s just hope I can finish the story in the remaining 15 days left to the month….

‘Later, all!

πŸ˜‰ tag

Posted in Fantasy, Fic, NaNoWriMo, Sekirei, Writing | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

#NaNoWriMo 2014: Day 8, Weekly Report

And yes, I am including the weather in this weekly report, because it’s been weird all day. The sun’s been shining – well, it was until we were well into the meetup, stopped sometime between 15:00 and 16:00 hrs, I think – but the sky has been stormy. While I was walking from the Elaine Dobbin Centre (I have Social Club there on Saturdays… kind of meh, but I’m hoping it will perk up a bit as we start to have outings next week) to the MUN University Centre where we were having the meet-up, the sun was shining brightly as rain was hitting me hard enough to sound almost like hail or heavy snow. (Which it wasn’t, thank goodness.) Even saw a rainbow!

The meetup was fun, and I got to see several familiar faces, and meet someone new. Chatting happened about word count, Disney movies, “How to Train Your Dragon 2” (it was highly recommended by those who have seen it), battle scenes, character names, unusual aspects to characters, etc. Lots of stuff. (Oh, and frogs. There was a fair bit of discussion about frogs. ;))

Also found out about a neat little Asian store that’s right around the corner from The Loft in the MUN University Centre – have now had my first taste of mochi! They also sell pocky (marked up, admittedly), and canned coffee. And all sorts of Asian (not just Japanese) treats, and spices, and just general ingredients. I like! πŸ™‚

Now, on to talking about my writing….

Ended up skipping around a bit in the story today, because the scene I was working on (linearly speaking) wasn’t gelling too well (partly because of the persistent headache). So I’ve done some work on the next scene, and a scene that’s another chapter away. *wry grin* Actually, as some of the themes in those scenes are connected (secrets and revealing them), it turns out to be working reasonably well for the moment.

Also had headache today, so didn’t make my usual 3.3K+. I did make 1.9K words, though, which brought me up to 27.4K words in total. Yay me!

And where I’ve stopped in the scenes is good as well – explosions coming tomorrow! πŸ™‚ (Well, not literal ones. I don’t think. Heh.)

‘Later all!

πŸ˜‰ tag

Posted in Accomplishments, Creativity, Fantasy, NaNoWriMo, Newfoundland, Sekirei, St John's, Weather, Writing | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

#NaNoWriMo 2014: Day 7, Milestone 2

So, it’s Day 7 of NaNo 2014, and guess what?

I have now passed the 25,000 word mark! I’m over halfway to winning! Yay me!

This despite a painful headache yesterday and today….

Just wanted to put that out there. Yes, there will be the regularly scheduled NaNo post tomorrow as well. Hopefully with a report on this month’s first organized write-in, and even more wordcount…. πŸ™‚

‘Later, all!

πŸ˜‰ tag

Posted in Accomplishments, Creativity, Fantasy, Fic, NaNoWriMo, Sekirei, Writing | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

#NaNoWriMo 2014: Day 3, Milestone 1

It is now the third day of NaNoWriMo 2014, about 23:25 hrs. here in Newfoundland (and parts of Labrador), and today, I passed the first major NaNo milestone for 2014 – I reached 10K words.

In fact, I’ve finished today with a word count total of 11,896 words out of 50,000 – which is over the word count goal for Day 7! (Which, BTW, is 11,667 words, in case you were curious.) And given that my personal goal has been to reach double the day’s word count goal… well, I’d have to say I’m off to a great start. (Today’s word count goal was 5,000 words. I reached 10K in the middle of this afternoon.)

So, *thumbs up* for me, and for all my fellow NaNoWriMos, who dare brave the cold November to write our stories! (Actually, not that it was cold today either… in fact, here in St. John’s, the high went up to 18Β°C – about 64Β°F – today!)

So, I’m happy. I hope you’re all happy too!

‘Later, all!

πŸ˜‰ tag

Posted in Fantasy, Fic, NaNoWriMo, Sekirei, Writing | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

#NaNoWriMo 2014: Day 1

Okay, so it’s about 22:00 hrs. (10 pm) on November 1st, the first day of NaNoWriMo 2014. And I’m proud to announce that I currently have a word count of 3,730 words, which is almost 400 more than tomorrow’s daily word count goal. πŸ™‚

Things are going well with the story so far, and I’ve been writing away whenever I’ve had the opportunity. Yay me!

Chat to you next week, if not before then…. πŸ™‚

πŸ˜‰ tag

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#NaNoWriMo 2014: T -6 Hours & Counting

So, we are now at T -6 hours and counting (as mentioned in the title). The Bunnies are hopping excitedly, the cat (Imber) is purring and not wanting to share my lap – or my hands – with a keyboard, and everything’s all ready for NaNoWriMo 2014 to start.

Oh, and it’s Halloween. Happy Spooky Day to all those with little goblins, ghosties, or ghoulies of their own! (Including my sister and brother….)

So I’m at my parents’ house for the weekend (as usual) and raring to go. And while waiting for midnight to hit (at which point I’ll probably be chatting to Vathara), I’m reviewing the fic that I won’t be touching during the month, and distributing candy to those few goblins, ghosties, and ghoulies who come to our door. (We don’t tend to get many trick-or-treaters here.) And petting the dog, and keeping my cat happy and contented and purring.

Expect my next post tomorrow evening, with a word count and status report of the first day of writing!

‘Later, all!

πŸ˜‰ tag

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#NaNoWriMo 2014: T -27 Hours & Counting

So, as it says, we’re at T -27 hours and counting for NaNoWriMo 2014, here in Newfoundland and parts of Labrador. And the Plot Bunnies are going, “Dragons! Dragons! Dragons! Hip hip hooray!” (Or something to that effect. It’s distracting.)

I kind of asked them yesterday if they wouldn’t rather do the original fic, now that I’ve got ideas for how it should work out, of Here Be Dragons. The response? “No, we wants Sekirei!” Very firmly. So, looks like I’m still on track for doing the Sekirei fanfic then modifying it later. (Yes, that’s what December is for. Christmas? What is this “Christmas” you speak of?)

Anyway, once things get started, feel free to pop over and take a look at my widget tracking page at tag’s Library, where I’ve got it all set up to provide you with my stats throughout the month. πŸ™‚ (First time it’s been used since 2011, as it happens.) Not to mention my NaNoWriMo Participant‘s page, where you can check out my progress as well, and take a look at my writing buddies! Good friends, all of them. If you pop by, please cheer them on as well!

I do intend to provide regular updates throughout the month – in fact, I’ve made a note to update weekly in my Todoist list, so that I’ll get it done! πŸ™‚

‘Later all! See you in November!

πŸ˜‰ tag

Posted in Creativity, Fantasy, Fic, NaNoWriMo, Plot Bunnies!, Science Fiction, Sekirei, Writing | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

#NaNoWriMo 2014 2: Bunnies Run Amuck


Yes, as the title says, my Plot Bunnies are running amuck.

It has been decided that I am definitely writing Here Be Dragons, as per my last post. And I’ve already (with the help of the estimable Vathara) worked out the vast majority of the differences between the fanfic and the SF story. (Except for character names. That I haven’t done yet.) I’ve even set up a project in Scrivener, and got a whole bunch of notes written, doing my usual method of combining “planning” and “pantsing”. Namely, a lot of background info, vague ideas for how I want to start the story, and what I want to have happen.

Unfortunately, the Bunnies are straining eagerly at the reins, wanting to get started before Nov. 1st. It’s getting hard to hold them back (thus all the working out of things, and setting up of the project, and prepping), but I am determined. They are not allowed to start writing until 00:01 hrs. on November 1st!

Of course, then I’ll end up staying up half the night (or all of the morning) getting the first several scenes written out….

Anyway. Just had to grouse about those darn Bunnies. (And if you see me running around cyberspace with a dog catcher’s kit and traps containing nets and PlotBunnyFood(tm), you’ll know what I’m trying to do!)

Whoops! Almost forgot to include the summary!

Here you go, as it is on the NaNoWriMo site:

A Sekirei AU fantasy story (that will be adapted to an SF Original Fic story once done).

For millennia, there have been warnings about the high mountains to the north of Yamato. “Don’t go there; there be dragons.” And “whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad”. They form an impassable barrier; in order to conduct trade and diplomatic relations with the nations to the north, ships have to be launched from the cities to the south. Yet it’s known that there are mineral riches in those mountains, and from the sea on the other side, it’s clear that their northern slopes are rich and fertile.

Sahashi Minato is a student in the capital of Heian. After having failed the entrance exams to the university for a second time, his friends decide to take him on a “better you than me” trip, and get him a bit of breathing space from his mother. His best friend, Yasaka Ichiro, comes up with a plan: they’ll go explore the mountains!

None of Minato’s protests can dissuade him, and before long, the group is heading off on the camping trip. But they have no idea what awaits them.

Nor do they realize that there are other Yamatoans who have gotten there first. Minaka Hiroto and Sahashi Takami, Minato’s parents, were the first in millennia to discover the truth of the dragon legends. Now Minaka’s company MBI is mining the mountains, and there are many flocks of dragons who are not happy about this. They want it stopped.

And in Minato and most of his friends, they may have found a way.


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Posted in Creativity, Fantasy, Fic, NaNoWriMo, Plot Bunnies!, Science Fiction, Sekirei, Writing | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment