Well, it was my aunt’s birthday yesterday. Went home from work, got some writing done, then went over to her apartment to give her the gift from myself and two of my sibs. Had a nice chat with her and got to relax for a bit before returning home to sleep.
Going to an Irish Tenors concert with her and one of my adopted aunts tonight – I’m rather looking forward to it. Hoping that I won’t have to leave for work until after the concert is over and done with… Will probably write an entry on the concert either tonight or tomorrow.
Now, I know someone wanted me to get cracking on posting RuroSen, which I certainly don’t mind doing – but I need to have an issue resolved first. Any Sentinel fans, I welcome responses to the following:
Opening Statement: All right, we know that (in fanon definitely, and there’s more than a hint of it even in canon) Guides serve as anchors for their Sentinels’ senses – a baseline, as it were. Or at least, that’s the variation of fanon that I’m using.
Problem: In what way can a Sentinel anchor a Guide? Please note that I do not want to use the “Guide as empath with no barriers” variation – I’m trying to do something else. What Guide traits (and/or traits that Blair and Kenshin have in common, for those fans of both) would require a Sentinel’s help to control?
Notes: Any and all help is appreciated, and credit will be given for any suggestions/help I use.
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3 Responses to Rambles and RuroSen/Sentinel Query…