I Have DSL!
*bounce* *bounce* *bounce* I now have DSL service! I’m so happy… *G* Not only does it mean I have high-speed internet, but it’s going to save me money, too… *G* So yeah, my mood is very right… 😉 tag0
*bounce* *bounce* *bounce* I now have DSL service! I’m so happy… *G* Not only does it mean I have high-speed internet, but it’s going to save me money, too… *G* So yeah, my mood is very right… 😉 tag0
Yes, RuroSen Chapter 3 is coming up within the hour (or hour and a half, depending on how long it takes me to HTML-format it). Had a reasonably good day – got a surprising amount accomplished (including managing to unpack … Continue reading
Haven’t posted much lately, but I’ve been in Costa Rica visiting my parents since Feb. 20th, and their ‘net connection isn’t the fastest or best here… Anyway, I’ve been fairly busy, actually.
This is what is called posting for the sake of posting. Well, mostly, anyway… Regarding Cats: Mitzy (see entry pic) is an adorable little Burmese cat. And I do mean “adorable”, despite the fact that some of her habits (like … Continue reading
Well, I finally got some pics of my niece uploaded from my trip to Halifax. A nice selection, I think… I’m having trouble putting titles and descriptions on, but there are three of Zoë and I, one of the proud … Continue reading
Well, it’s been a while since my last post here; been rather busy with various things, including visiting my sister and new niece in Halifax (went from Nov. 30 to Dec. 4). I’ll be putting up some pictures in a … Continue reading
Well, it was my aunt’s birthday yesterday. Went home from work, got some writing done, then went over to her apartment to give her the gift from myself and two of my sibs. Had a nice chat with her and … Continue reading
Well, it’s been almost two weeks since my last entry… and a very busy two weeks they have been! First of all, we got our new supervisor on the 1st. So far, he seems to be quite nice, though he’s … Continue reading
Well, we seem to be getting the tag end of what was once Hurricane Katrina (and boy am I glad it’s only the tag end) as it’s been raining fairly steadily since I left for work just over 5 hours … Continue reading
Well, ended up not being an extra 2-1/2 hours, but an extra 4… Good news for my paycheck, though. Got home just over half an hour ago. Checked my email, downloaded the corrections and additions I made RuroBatt/Edge of the … Continue reading