When I woke up this evening, I thought it was going to be a great day. Got plenty of sleep (for the first time in three days), was well rested, fairly relaxed, and in a good mood.
Then I left for work.
Got three steps outside my door, and discovered that my right knee (which I had thought was getting better, since it didn’t need any support at work yesterday) was beyond screwed up – every time I put weight on it it feels as though there’s a needle going into it. Painful! So I had to go back and get my cane.
Then, I got to Lawrence West station at about 11:03pm (I generally arrive between 10:59 and 11:04, depending on whether I miss the 10:56 subway at Eglinton West or not), and headed up to wait for the 11:08 #52 bus (which generally arrives between 11:09 and 11:12). It generally takes about 5-7 minutes to get from Lawrence West station to Avenue Rd. at that time of night, so I wasn’t worried until it reached 11:15 and there was no sign of the bus. At 11:20, I called work and let the guy I was supposed to relieve at 11:30 know that I was going to be late.
Finally, the 11:28 bus arrives at – you guessed it! – 11:30. I stagger on board, sit down, and then spend the next 8 minutes getting more and more stressed as the bus goes along.
Arrived at work at 11:40. *sigh*
So I’m here, which is fine, and the guy I’m relieving understands that the whole bus mess was unavoidable…
Now there’s just the problem of my knee, and whether I’ll be able to do any patrols today. *sigh*x2
</end rant>…
Feels good to get that off my chest. Thanks for letting me rant to you…
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