Okay, weekly update time. Like I said, I’m going to try to do this every week.
This one’s not a long one; just… it’s been a long, exhausting week, mostly because of the training (the first two and a half days, we were sitting listening to and watching speeches and PowerPoints, and doing paperwork; it’s only in the last couple of days that we’ve started doing things, like training on the systems we’ll be using).
Imber continues to get a bit bolder, and we’re now finding her semi-frequently in the “main room” of my “suite”, or in the laundry room, rather than just in my bedroom. This is a good thing. Now we need to get her up to the level of the den, the basement bathroom, and the food and litter box that are around the bathroom (food inside, to dissuade Quixote, the cocker, from getting at it; litter box(es) outside so that the bathroom can be used). So that’s the project for the next two weeks, I think.
Hm. Not really all that much else to say, save that my younger niece has been staying with us since Wednesday evening, and will be here until/including Monday, since my brother and sister-in-law are camping. And I don’t have to go into work on Monday because it’s Labour Day (though I don’t get paid for it either). Yay, sleep-in time!
*shrugs* If I think of anything else, I’ll add another entry.
See you next week!
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