Okay, here’s the belated update for this past week. Sorry for the delay in getting it out, but, well… it’s been that kind of week, as you’ll read. It’s not going to be very long, because most of this week has been a blur and a half, and I don’t remember specifics.
Hm. In no particular order, the following happened:
Had a very enjoyable Scrabble game on Wednesday with the WAMUN group – I even managed to win a game! Yay me! 😉
Got a detailed response back on my Canada Writes story from my adopted uncle that echoed some things that my sister-in-law and one of my other uncles both said, so I’m planning to do some revising (AKA re-writing) during my free days this week, so I can send it in to the contest by the weekend. (It’s due in by 11:59pm ET on Nov.1.)
Um… brought Imber up to the living room a couple of times. The last time was early this afternoon, and I’m told she stayed up there for about an hour (a whole hour!) without me after I went down for a nap. I was very impressed by this, because she spent last Saturday or Sunday (whichever was the first day up there this past month) shivering the entire time. She even let Dad hold her for a while when I went in to make Mom some hot lemon with honey and answer the phone!
Right, that brings up another thing. Mom’s sick with a cold/the flu. Nasty sore throat, no energy, etc. She’s been sick since Friday (at least).
I have a few more ideas for my NaNo story, and am getting impatiently eager for November to start.
Work is… well, it’s been improved the past two days (yes, I’ve worked seven days in a row, and I’m working again “tomorrow” – Monday), but it was draining me this past week. I was having a lot of trouble with sleeping and depression – and headaches – and that was worrying me. We (my supervisor and I) now have an attack plan for part of what the problem’s been, which is part of the reason why the past two days (Sat. and Sun.) haven’t been too bad. Also, I got another 5 renewals this week in total, so that’s not too bad either. (And no, we don’t get commission on renewals, but we do get point awards, and you can buy things with points.)
We had Julia last night and this morning (Sat/Sun), and Dad, Daphne and I went to breakfast/brunch with her. That was nice. She was very chatty, and she’s started learning her lower-case letters (as opposed to just the capitals). She’s wanting to know how to spell everything even more now. And she was pointing out the various things that appear on my NaNoLand t-shirt, and having a ball doing so. This cheered me up a great deal.
I’ve resumed doing Tai Chi Chuan by myself, and am hoping that once my work schedule stabilizes, I’ll be able to get involved in the St. John’s chapter and actually go to weekly meetings for Tai Chi. I need it, based on the help it’s been so far the past couple of days.
Mom saw a physiotherapist for her rheumatoid arthritis earlier this week, and she might be able to get into a study on it. This would be a good thing, so we’re rooting for that. This might also mean that she wouldn’t have to go down to CR in November.
Huh. I guess there was a bit more to talk about than I thought. Well, that’s good. Hopefully there’ll be more details about what’s going on in my next update, and I’ll have pleasanter things to talk about. (Though some of my points were pleasant enough – like Imber and Mom possibly getting into a study.)
Okay, I’m wiped and really need to get some sleep. *sighs* Can’t wait until I have the seniority to move my schedule down a bit, so that I’d get home by about 9:30 or so. That wouldn’t be too bad. (On the other hand, after midnight, things get fairly quiet….)
‘Later, all!
😉 tag0