Well, the first day of Camp NaNoWriMo July 2013 is over, and I’ve managed to get 1,508 words written. I even increased my word count goal for Here and There to 45,000 from 35,000; and the goal for each day is to get 1,452 words written. So I reached today’s daily goal! Yay Me! Got started (and fairly well) on “First Day”; I’m about halfway through Ryuu’s part of that story.

Tomorrow, we send my brother’s cats, Azrael and Cindy, off to Toronto (at last, say the males). They’ve now got a rented house there, so they’ll be staying there a while, and can take the cats. Which is good. They’ve been going a bit nuts, since they’ve been essentially locked in one room for two weeks (we didn’t want to risk losing them, and we came close).
Below is a picture of me with Azrael (my brother’s oldest cat), and then with Cindy (my niece’s kitten, who’s around 1 year old now).

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