More Dragons! (A Whole Weyr!)
Okay, this is going to be my main post dealing with my dragons (though you can always go through the link to the side to check them out); as I get more, I’ll update this post with the details. So, … Continue reading
Okay, this is going to be my main post dealing with my dragons (though you can always go through the link to the side to check them out); as I get more, I’ll update this post with the details. So, … Continue reading
Well, I’ve given in to the temptation and joined DragCave. Check out My Scroll and click on my eggs to keep them alive and encourage hatching, please! 😉 tag0
Well, I had an absolutely wonderful weekend! Not just Friday, but the rest of it as well…. Saturday, I spent most of the day with my parents; we went and got my countertop dishwasher (gods, I’m so glad I’ve got … Continue reading
Laugh (with delight) if I want to, Laugh (with delight) if I want to… It’s my birthday and I’ll laugh (with delight) if I want to; You would laugh (with delight) too if it happened to you…. I had an … Continue reading
Well, it’s been a while since my last post here; been rather busy with various things, including visiting my sister and new niece in Halifax (went from Nov. 30 to Dec. 4). I’ll be putting up some pictures in a … Continue reading
Things are going reasonably well in tag0-land… Will probably post a ramble or two tomorrow or Saturday.
Got from hethosus – an LJ icebreaker game! 1. Reply with your name/nickname and I will write something random about you. 2. I will then tell you what song/movie reminds me of you. 3. I will pick a flavor of … Continue reading
Well, it’s been a while since my last update… Life is getting back to normal (well, as normal as my life ever gets, that is… *smirk*): Work, write, sleep, go to the occasional movie… Yep! Been to see a couple … Continue reading
Had a wonderful day yesterday. Slept very well Friday night, then got to relax and do a bit more beta-reading for Vathara yesterday morning, and then in the afternoon it was off to hethosus‘s for a get-together with friends whom … Continue reading
Here’s a rather interesting article on the origins of April Fools Day, which includes some good prank descriptions… (I especially like the one about the teacher in Boston…) Enjoy the day!