NaNo Official Winner!
Well, I am now an official winner of NaNoWriMo 2008. *cheers self* Off to sleep, then work on the rest of the novel (and at last I’m starting to approach the climax! Yay!). 😉 tag0
Well, I am now an official winner of NaNoWriMo 2008. *cheers self* Off to sleep, then work on the rest of the novel (and at last I’m starting to approach the climax! Yay!). 😉 tag0
Well, the Toronto NaNoWriMo Overnight writing session was a huge success. For me, certainly. I not only managed to get over 7,000 words written at the session itself (raising my word count to 70,000 words!), but got another 1,000+ words … Continue reading
Well, I have reached 60,379 words for the end of Week #3 of NaNoWriMo. Doing fairly well, all told. I think I’m over half-way through the story – we’re starting to head towards the climax, at least – so my … Continue reading
Hey, everyone, guess what? I’ve hit 50K! (50,019 words, as of the time of this post, actually. And there’ll be more before the end of the night.) *Does Happy Victory Dance* Now it’s just a matter of getting Brendan and … Continue reading
And it’s time for the Week #2 update on my NaNo Novel Status. Just like last week, this is also a “milestone” post, because I hit 40K words this evening! *cheering myself on* It was easier than expected, actually; I … Continue reading
Well, I hit another NaNoWriMo milestone today – 30,000 words. I’m now at 31,185 words total… and the plot lead-in has changed on me. Not entirely unexpectedly (I’ve been suspecting something’s up for the last few days), but it means … Continue reading
I have officially passed the halfway word count mark (and got cheered by all the fellow Toronto NaNoers who were participating in the subway writing session this afternoon – that was fun!). I’m now at 26.5K words. Over 53 percent … Continue reading
Okay, the NaNoWriMo widgets are now working – check out my progress (I’m kicking arse!) at my site’s NaNoWriMo ’08 Progress Page! 😉 tag0
Well, as promised, here is the week one update on my NaNoWriMo progress. It’s also a “milestone” post, because as of tonight I am over 20K words! More than 2/5 done! A smidgen over, at least. Week #1 Word Count: … Continue reading
Well, the NaNoWriMo widgets (mentioned in my original NaNo post) still seem to not be working right (load on the servers doesn’t appear to be reducing much – or else they just need to have minimum load in order to … Continue reading