So, I mentioned in my last post that I’d put my fanfiction stories up on Archive of Our Own. What I didn’t know until after I’d put my fics up there was that AO3 lets you download fics as ebooks (in epub or mobi formats, no less!). And, hey, I like reading my fics as ebooks. So, rather than having to go through converting them over to that format through iWork’s Pages, I simply downloaded some of my favourite completed ones directly from AO3 in epub format.
Then I thought, Hey, I’ve got a cover pic for Something to Live For already, since I translated it to epub way back… but not for any of the others. So my next decision on what to do was easy – I created covers!
The covers are in gallery format below. And I plan to upload the epubs I’ve got to tag’s Library and Bardd’s Tales to make them available to others to download… sometime. Not immediately, but hopefully not too far in the future.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I think I’m going to go start uploading those particular stories to WattPad as well….
Click on the thumbnails to be taken to the page with the full image, which includes both the summary of and links to the stories.
- Dreams, Memories & Truths Vol. 1 Cover Pic
- The First Steps: Into the Forge Cover Pic
- Foils #3: Silences Cover Pic
- Mounting a Rescue Cover Pic
- Not With a Whimper Cover Pic
- Foils #2: Gladiators Cover Pic
- Questions Why Cover Pic
- Foils #1: Pinioned Cover Pic
- Mine Cover Pic
- A New Beginning Cover Pic
- Something to Live For Cover Pic
😉 tag0