FYI, for anyone with headaches – fire alarms are not good for them. Especially not when you spend ten minutes in an area where said fire alarms are going off.
Not that there was a fire (thank all the gods)… No, it was yet another burst pipe (the first one happened on Dec. 21st, as the city was recovering from the deep freeze I referenced in my entry of Dec. 20th). To make things worse, this was a pipe in the same location as the other one!
I got a call from the alarm monitoring company at 5:40 (am – my shift goes from 11:30pm to 7:30am) to say that the alarms were going off in the other building, so went out into the freezing cold and hightailed it over there to find that water was pouring out of the pipe and all over the small foyer area, plus into the two classrooms and office adjoining it, not to mention out into the attached playground… The fire trucks arrived a minute after I did, but couldn’t do anything (wasn’t a fire, after all), so left. Luckily, I had my experience from December’s incident to draw on, and knew where to go to turn the water off – so did so. The alarms finally stopped at 5:56, at which point I headed back to the main building and worked on contacting everyone I needed to. Then spent the next hour trying to write up my report as well as deal with the students, staff, and deliveries starting to arrive… *sigh*
And my shift started out so well… I was even getting writing done!
Oh well – to help me feel better, I will be posting Pt. 2 of Chapter 1 of Rurouni Battôsai in a few minutes (as soon as I get it formatted), and then will sit back and hope for comments. It’s rather longer than Pt. 1…
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