Apologies – I had meant to post more throughout the month, but it’s been a learning curve for me, and I’ve had a couple of downturns this month, for various reasons. (Have I mentioned how much I hate psoriatic arthritis? If not, consider it mentioned now.)
It’s really been a crazy month. I basically booked us/organized three write-ins a week, to try to make sure that everyone who wanted to make it to a write-in managed to do so. It was… less than successful in terms of that (other people showed up to about half of them), but successful in terms of allowing me to reach 50K! (Each day I had a write-in, my word count really picked up – more than the daily recommended dose of 1,667 words – which, since there were a few days where I wrote less than 100 words, really made an impact.)
I also had a number of issues with my characters throughout the month (*glares sharply at Jade*); they went in some weird directions. Which helped contribute to those days I wrote less than the daily recommended dose, because I was fighting for every sentence.
But, I did win. In fact, I won last night around 10:20 pm or so. 🙂
What was weird was that Scrivener, which I use to write in, said I had 50,063 words when I submitted it to the validation engine – and the validation engine said I had 50,547 words! (By the way, does anyone reading this want a code for 50% off Scrivener 3 – or Scapple, one of the two? It’s valid until October 31, 2019. First one to get back to me will get the code on Dec. 1 or 2!) Vathara suspects that the validation engine counts hypenated words as individual ones, whereas I know that Scrivener counts it as one word, so that might be the difference.
Now, I’m trying to finish The Dreaming Pools off (I’ve skipped part of the middle, because of the aforementioned characters arguing with me, and have finished the second-last chapter, and am part of the way through the last one), and then I’ll go back and put in the chapter or two that I ended up skipping. Then it goes in the virtual “desk drawer” until March, when I’ll pick it back up for editing, and to work on the sequel for April’s Camp NaNo! (Yes, for a book that I wasn’t sure I intended to move toward publishing in the middle of the month, I’ve changed my tune rather fast. *shrugs* A couple of things happen in the end that result in an excellent sequel hook, so….)
And in December, aside from Christmas stuff, I will be working on getting A Fox’s Fight edited, and I’m looking to work toward getting it published in 2019! (Which will likely lead to July 2019’s Camp NaNo being working on The Trickster’s Trade, to try to finish it.)
Geeze. I’ve now planned out next year’s Camp NaNos… ambitious, aren’t I!
’Later, all!
🙂 tag0
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