Well, this is the final NaNo update for 2010, although I may add an entry after the TGIO (“Thank God It’s Over”) party tomorrow night.
Didn’t get anything written yesterday due to a sinus migraine. I hate the fact that I’ve inherited my dad’s sinuses, much as I love him, because when the weather is as changeable as weather in Toronto can be, it knocks me for a loop. It’s been worse this year, I think because I’ve had so many other stresses playing a role.
Anyway, enough of the misery, here’s the good news.
It’s not yet midnight, and I have accomplished my goal of getting more than 100,000 words for NaNo 2010! Admittedly not much more (only 53), but the goal was 100K, not how much over that I would go.
Of course, Lost and Found isn’t finished; I’m going to still be writing it into December. But it’s at least half done, so I’m fairly satisfied with that accomplishment. And I’m going to have people bugging me to finish it as quickly as possible, I know, because they want to get the next “ready for beta” chapter of Search and Rescue to read, and that’s not getting done until I finish this first draft of Lost and Found.
Anyway, here’s hoping I feel better tomorrow!
Happy November, all!
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