So, it’s coming up to midnight on November 7th, the end of Week 1 of NaNoWriMo 2017. And how have I been doing, you might ask?
Yeah, I’m behind. It seems to happen every year in Week 1 – if it’s not that I’m sick, it’s that the Bunnies are kicking up a fuss, or I’m blocked. This year, it was sort of all of that. Had a minor cold last week (naturally from Wednesday onwards). Got stuck in Chp. 2 of TBD. *sighs* And had two days when I got less than 100 words written.
Good news on the horizon, though! Chp. 2 has been finished (at least as much as I can get at the moment; there are a few scenes where I have comments in square brackets about what’s to go there later), and I’m on to Chp. 3, where the action really starts to pick up.
And my villains have become even more villainous. I thought they were kind of generic bad guys at first, nasty to animals (or those they think are animals), not caring about the environment, etc. Turns out that they’re worse than that. My human protagonist just got dumped in a place where they’ve dumped a lot of other inconvenient people. And, you know, there’s a direcat pack around that kind of appreciates the free meals….
Today’s Word Count: 8,869 words. Where I should be: 11,667 words. But I’ve managed more than the recommended daily word count the four (out of seven) days that I’ve managed to hit over 250 words, so at least I should be able to catch up.
😉 tag