NaNo Winner!

Hey, everyone, guess what? I’ve hit 50K! (50,019 words, as of the time of this post, actually. And there’ll be more before the end of the night.)

*Does Happy Victory Dance*

Now it’s just a matter of getting Brendan and Ryuu out of their current mess (which I didn’t even want to happen when they presented it to me this morning), through the next one, and to the climax before the end of the month. Considering what I’ve done so far, that shouldn’t be much of a problem. *G*

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NaNo Week #2 Update

And it’s time for the Week #2 update on my NaNo Novel Status. Just like last week, this is also a “milestone” post, because I hit 40K words this evening! *cheering myself on* It was easier than expected, actually; I was aiming for 39K words today, then Brendan started talking about how he learned about disguises, and before I knew it I was at the milestone number!

Things are getting interesting now; once the two of them are safely in the spaceport, I have no idea what will happen next. Definitely looking forward to finding out – and knowing Brendan and Ryuu as I do by now, I have little doubt that they’ll be letting me know fairly quickly.

Week #2 Word Count: 40,570 words out of 50,000.

Doing really well.

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NaNo Milestone #3 (or was it #4?)

Well, I hit another NaNoWriMo milestone today – 30,000 words. I’m now at 31,185 words total… and the plot lead-in has changed on me. Not entirely unexpectedly (I’ve been suspecting something’s up for the last few days), but it means that rewrites are going to have to happen on the first three chapters (possibly in December – or earlier, if I make my daily quota early in the day). Luckily I can keep most of the basics, it’s just the details that are going to have to change.

Why oh why are characters so willful?

(Yes, Ryuu, I know it will make a better – not to mention more plausible – story. And yes, Brendan, I know that it means you don’t have to come over the ogre in the first bit. *sigh* Characters. Can’t live with ’em, can’t live without ’em.)

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NaNo: Halfway Mark

I have officially passed the halfway word count mark (and got cheered by all the fellow Toronto NaNoers who were participating in the subway writing session this afternoon – that was fun!). I’m now at 26.5K words. Over 53 percent done. In 30 percent of the time allotted. I’d say I’m doing really well for a newbie.

Of course, Brightspot has practically taken over all of Chp. 4 written so far (thus the not-usual NaNo User Pic); if this keeps up, she’s going to become as major a character as my protagonists. This wouldn’t be terribly bad… if it weren’t for the fact that I wasn’t expecting her to come in until the (possible) sequel….

Anyway, I’m having a great time with this, both the writing itself and the social aspect. (And the competition doesn’t hurt – I’m on the Word War team and we are beating Vancouver….)

Later, all!

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Well, the NaNoWriMo widgets (mentioned in my original NaNo post) still seem to not be working right (load on the servers doesn’t appear to be reducing much – or else they just need to have minimum load in order to work). So if you’re curious about what my novel’s about, to read an excerpt from Chp. 1, and/or take a gander at my word count, head on over to my NaNoWriMo Profile Page!

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(AKA TrudyG)

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NaNoWriMo ’08 Progress

I know I said I’d post my word count once a week, but I think reaching certain milestones on the way to 50K deserves an additional mention.

I have reached 10K words as of about 15 minutes ago. Yay me! 1/5 done with the word count goal!

(The actual novel’s going to be longer, but the NaNo 50K goal is the first step.)

Later, all!

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(TrudyG on

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NaNoWriMo Begins!

Well, it’s now officially November here in Toronto, and NaNoWriMo has begun.

Not doing any writing just yet, however – I’m heading to bed. Need a good night’s sleep so I can get a firm start on the novel in the morning.


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NaNoWriMo 2008 Doth Approach

Well, I’m participating in the National Novel Writing Month this year. I’m writing an original SF novel currently titled Search & Rescue. I’ve set up a page on my website to track my progress (though the widgets are currently down – server overload on the NaNo server, I suspect).

I’ll also be posting my weekly word counts here.

Feel free to visit and wish me luck!

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