Major Update

Lots of changes since my last post.

– We now know what’s wrong with my hand (ref: Ugh. Hand Is A Problem. from April). I’ve got a frayed ligament in the wrist. So splint, zinc tablets, and rest.

– Secondly – remember my absence from LJ last summer, when I had trouble walking and the final diagnosis was nerve damage? Well, guess what happened to me the early morning of June 24th. Same symptoms (except for no physical shakiness) – but it’s not the same diagnosis. I’ve had a brain & spine MRI, an electromyograph (AKA nerve conduction test), a chest x-ray, some blood tests, spent 5 days in hospital getting this done… and no one knows what’s wrong. And it’s not got any better. So as of today I’m back on short-term disability, since there’s no way I could respond with any speed in an emergency (I can’t even attempt running), which is a major part of a security officer’s mandate. *heavy sigh*

– Mitzy, my elderly but still active Burmese inherited from my youngest siblings, was put to sleep due to a major chest and stomach lymphoma (cancer) on July 21. Still miss her. She lived a good life, though; she was 15-1/2.

– And introducing Imber, a now 7-month old kitten adopted from Toronto Animal Services on Aug. 1. She’s a grey and cream tabby who is missing half her right hind leg (pretty sure she was born without it). The userpic attached to this post is of her the morning after I brought her home. (“Imber”, FYI, is Latin for “rain storm”. Her coat looks like a storm cloud….)

As for upcoming news:

– One of my best friends, Loui, is going to be visiting for a week at the end of September, four days of which will be spent in Montreal. I’m really looking forward to it.

– Given I’m likely to have some time on my hands for a while, I’m not only looking at possibly doing a university course or two, but have gone and done the inevitable – I’ve signed up for NaNoWriMo 2008. I’m planning on doing an original SF novel (tentatively entitled Search & Rescue).

Anyway, that’s basically everything from the last few months. *sigh*

😉 tag0
(working on keeping my mood up)

Posted in Cats, Grief, Health, Life in General, Rambling, Work, Writing | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

RK Fic: Rurouni Battousai – Chapter 5 Pt. 1

There’s been a lot of recent reminders to me both here (thank you, aya1412!) and on that people are still very interested in reading Rurouni Battōsai; so (despite the fact that I haven’t yet finished writing Chp. 5) here is Chp. 5 Pt. 1 for your reading pleasure.

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Back to Chapter 4, Part 4.

RuroBatt:Chp5(.1) Author’s Notes

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I’m An Aunt Again!

My brother’s eldest child, Julia Ivy, was born early this morning. Haven’t yet spoken to the proud parents (they’re exhausted – my sister-in-law was in labour for over 24-hrs. before they did a C-section), but got the news from the proud grandmother. *g*

I have another niece! *bounce, bounce, bounce*

😉 (the very happy) tag0

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Ugh. Hand Is A Problem.

Well, in my last post (March 3rd), I said I was working on writing 25,000 words of the SF novel I’m working on by the end of the month, and also promised updates. Unfortunately, that didn’t happen, for a very simple reason.

I’m right-handed, and I can barely use my right hand.

Way back the end of December (literally – it was 1 minute past midnight on Dec. 31st) I was on patrol when I slipped on a patch of slick-smooth ice and went down. The heel of my right hand hit first.


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Personal Challenge

Okay, I’ve issued a personal challenge to myself. I tried to do something like it in November, but didn’t succeed too well.

The NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) happens every November, and people all over the world try to write a novel of 50,000+ words. The goal is to write 50,000 words starting Nov. 1st just after midnight, and ending Nov. 30th just before midnight.

I don’t quite think I’m up to that just yet, and I’ve also already started the novel that I want to work on. So what I’m going to challenge myself to do is this:

Write a total of 25,000+ words of my SF novel “The Pack” before midnight on March 31st. I’m going to try to post my progress once a week (which, hey, means more posts from me, at least for a while!).

Saying goodbye for the moment from beautiful Costa Rica,

😉 tag0

[Edited: 22:19 hrs. Report Day (1)/3 – Present Word Count: 1155.]

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(Long Overdue) Update

First of all, I apologize for the long (very long) delay in updating this LJ, not to mention the dearth of updates for several months before the last post. RL took over, in a rather unpleasant fashion, and this was one of the results.

So, a few different updates (long ones!)….

First of all, the major reason behind things:

Health Update: Depression and Nerve Damage (Unable to Walk = No Fun!)

Posted in Family, Fic, Health, Rambling | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Apologies, General Update & Fic Update to Come

First of all, my apologies to all who are interested in my LJ for the lack of posts over the last five-plus months; I’m afraid I’ve been dealing (not very well) with the aftermath of my end-of-October depression/apathy state, and it’s taken quite a while. I’ve managed to get some stuff done, but not nearly as much as I wanted to have by this point in time….

General Update:
– Had a very nice Christmas in St. John’s with my family plus my Mom’s extended family, but it was unfortunately a bit rushed (I was there for a total of four days). Got home to work and Toronto’s nasty winter setting in with a vengeance.
– Had my annual end-of-February/beginning-of-March trip to Costa Rica, and that was very enjoyable – will post more about that later, including a couple of pictures of Volcan Arenal. By that time, I desperately needed a break and the weather down there was pleasant (even if I was woken up at 6 every morning by the guys working on my parents’ house).
– While I was down in Costa Rica, my brother got engaged to his girlfriend; the wedding is at the beginning of August in St. John’s, in my aunt’s (previously my grandmother’s) garden. I’ve got the time off, and my sisters and I are the bridesmaids. Really looking forward to it, and very happy for Tony and Anna.
– Had a pleasant birthday last Saturday, but am still working with that stupid depression-aftermath. Starting to think that it may be time to either take some time off work and do the day thing for a while, or start looking for another job (I’d prefer not to do the latter, because I like my job and its benefits – but something has to change…).

Fic Update:
– First the really good news: I have a story in Chinook Vol. 7, an upcoming all-Supernatural zine from Blackfly Presses. Debut will be at MediaWest.
– Second, the equally good news (well, long-term, that is): I’ve got two original stories started, one a short story and the other a novel. I’m hoping to get some more work done on them soon.
– Third, posting news: Suddenly realized tonight that I’d never posted Chp. 4.4 of RuroBatt/Edge of the Blade – will be getting that done before leaving work in the morning. (Yes, it’s a fic post!)
– Fourth: Have been seduced by the fandom that is Detective Conan/Magic Kaito. As a result, have got… three stories that I’m working on in that fandom, one gen and two shounen-ai. Favourite characters: Edogawa Conan/Kudou Shinichi and Kuroba Kaito/Kaitou Kid.

Later, all!
😉 tag0

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