The Irish Tenors at Massey Hall

Well, went to see the Irish Tenors (currently consisting of Anthony Kearns, Finbar Wright, and John McDermott) at Massey Hall Thursday night. Unfortunately my aunt was sick, so I ended up going with both my adopted aunts (it was a real pity, since she’s a big fan, and she was the one who arranged everything and bought the tickets in the first place). It was a wonderful concert, and I got to stay to the end before having to leave for work, which was very nice.

General comments: Well, John McDermott can’t keep still. *g* When he’s not singing, he’s tapping his feet, or he’s wandering around the stage… and even when he is singing, his hands are moving in time with the music. But then, I knew that from the couple of solo concerts of his I’ve gone to. Anthony was poking some fun at John at the start, but John got back at him a bit later… And after the intermission, in the second half, they’d relaxed enough to play around a bit, to the point where John was pointed at during the mention of girls, in the line “The boys and the girls all together”, in “The Stone Outside Dan Murphy’s Door”, as well as the usual dancing around from the two who weren’t singing whichever verse it happened to be, and they substituted Arnie Roth’s name (he’s their conductor) for Albert Moony in the last verse of “I’ll Tell My Ma”…

Songlist was a mix of some of their usuals and some of the songs from their new CD, “Sacred”. Included (not in any particular order, and this isn’t all of them) were:

  • Only Our Rivers Run Free
  • Red is the Rose
  • Minstrel Boy
  • Spanish Lady
  • Grace
  • Forever Friend (from “Sacred”)
  • Deus Meus (from “Sacred”)
  • How Great Thou Art (from “Sacred”; which was lovely, and reminded me of my Grandmother Goold – it was one of her favourite songs)
  • If I Can Help Somebody (from “Sacred”)
  • Lord of the Dance (from “Sacred”; a favourite of mine)
  • The Courtin’ Medley: “Courtin’ in the Kitchen”; “The Stone Outside Dan Murphy’s Door”; “I’ll Tell My Ma”
  • Forty Shades of Green
  • The Harp That Once Through Tara’s Halls
  • I’ll Take You Home Again Kathleen
  • Will Ye Go, Lassie, Go (which I must admit I don’t care for that much)
  • Danny Boy – the last two verses

Hmm… I think I managed to get most of them! I know I missed at least one or two, but still, that’s pretty good! *G*

Anyway, I had a great time, and I’m definitely glad I went.

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Rambles and RuroSen/Sentinel Query…

Well, it was my aunt’s birthday yesterday. Went home from work, got some writing done, then went over to her apartment to give her the gift from myself and two of my sibs. Had a nice chat with her and got to relax for a bit before returning home to sleep.

Going to an Irish Tenors concert with her and one of my adopted aunts tonight – I’m rather looking forward to it. Hoping that I won’t have to leave for work until after the concert is over and done with… Will probably write an entry on the concert either tonight or tomorrow.

Now, I know someone wanted me to get cracking on posting RuroSen, which I certainly don’t mind doing – but I need to have an issue resolved first. Any Sentinel fans, I welcome responses to the following:

Opening Statement: All right, we know that (in fanon definitely, and there’s more than a hint of it even in canon) Guides serve as anchors for their Sentinels’ senses – a baseline, as it were. Or at least, that’s the variation of fanon that I’m using.
Problem: In what way can a Sentinel anchor a Guide? Please note that I do not want to use the “Guide as empath with no barriers” variation – I’m trying to do something else. What Guide traits (and/or traits that Blair and Kenshin have in common, for those fans of both) would require a Sentinel’s help to control?
Notes: Any and all help is appreciated, and credit will be given for any suggestions/help I use.


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RuroKen Haiku

Was in the middle of working on Chp. 3 of RuroBatt/Edge of the Blade (which is almost finished) early this morning at work when I suddenly ended up with a haiku in my head.

It focuses on the moment Saitô and Battôsai face off against each other in the Kamiya dojo, and applies equally well to canon or to RuroBatt.

Let me know what you think!
“Wolf-golden eyes meet
dragon amber; all is still–
swords clash in battle.”
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Rambles From Work…

Well, it’s been almost two weeks since my last entry… and a very busy two weeks they have been!

First of all, we got our new supervisor on the 1st. So far, he seems to be quite nice, though he’s currently trying to desperately catch up on training. (And, of course, our IT guys don’t yet have some of the necessary accounts set up for him… *sigh*)

Went to see “The Brothers Grimm” with my Auntie Glo last Friday. It was okay, but no great shakes – not going to be buying it when it comes out of video/DVD, that’s for sure. And I definitely don’t recommend it for anyone who has a phobia about bugs!

Speaking of wildlife (though bigger than bugs!), I had a rather close encounter with a skunk yesterday morning while on my last patrol. I walked out the door to head over to the construction site to make sure the gate was still locked (the school’s building a new athletic centre, and the workers aren’t allowed on until after 6am). I got about fifteen steps away from the door when I heard a rustling sound up ahead, looked up, and saw a skunk (facing me, but with its tail raised) about six feet in front of me, at most.

Luckily, I do know how to deal with wild animals. I carefully (and slowly) backed away from it, until it felt I had gone far enough that it was safe to cross the path I was on to get to the grassy area – via the wooden path through the flowerbeds, as opposed to straight through! – and then waited until it was a certain distance away before I started walking forward again. Boy, was that rather nerve-wracking! It’s certainly the closest I’ve ever come to a skunk while we were both outside. But all’s well that ends well, as they say…

Today hasn’t been too bad so far. Well, generally speaking. My knee’s buggered up again (*heavy sigh*), and I seem to have developed a headache in the last hour or two… but I’ve been writing most of the morning (when I haven’t been on patrols) and I’m rather happy about what I’ve managed to accomplish.

Oh, yeah… guess what Saitô and Kenshin have done to me now!

Shoved another story idea down my throat, that’s what. And to make things worse, this isn’t just a story – this is a story that has two variations, and they’re making me write both…

Oh well, I’m enjoying it, and that’s the important part.

And one last thing before I say “Goodbye for now”… Expect RuroBatt/Edge of the Blade Chapter 2, Part 4 to be up sometime this afternoon/this evening…

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Fire Alarm Bad… Rain Pretty

Well, we seem to be getting the tag end of what was once Hurricane Katrina (and boy am I glad it’s only the tag end) as it’s been raining fairly steadily since I left for work just over 5 hours ago, and it’s hellishly humid.

Wondering why I was semi-quoting Buffy?

See above about the current humidity, and take my word for it (backed by a number of fire captains) that high humidity can activate heat detectors that are meant to detect fires. In other words, they set off the fire alarms.

So, there I was, sitting at the desk and updating my report with the details of my first patrol, getting ready to think about going on my second one… when the fire alarms go off. I race down to the secondary fire panel to find out where the alarm is located, then wait for the fire trucks to get there. I take them down, they find that there’s no fire and a detector has just gone off, and we reset the main panel. Then I come back up to the desk, and they leave.

So, I’m working on finishing that part of my report, and starting the part about the fire alarm… When, 8 minutes after I returned to the desk, don’t the bloody alarms start going again!

So, repeat the previous activities (pretty much exactly). This time, however, I had the monitoring company put our system on “Test”, and arrange a Fire Watch (someone driving by to check out the building every hour or so).

So, no more alarms tonight… but boy, did I ever get my exercise! (The main panel is down four flights of stairs from my desk, and all the way across the building…) And then, I still had to do my delayed second patrol… *sigh*

Oh well… it’s over and done with, the incident report is done, and I’m settled. But I just hope my relief gets here on time, as opposed to the ten minutes late that has become usual… (he usually does the afternoon shift).

Okay, rant/ramble over…

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Work – We Have A Supervisor (This Week)

Well, our new supervisor starts on Thursday. No idea what he’s like, aside from the fact that he’s apparently done a good job at other places (based on a comment by the boss about hoping he could do for here what he’s done for other places).

Here’s hoping he’s as easy to get along with as Bev was… and that he will make sure that people stop storing things in our little “Staff Only” office… (*sigh* Can barely move in there, much less access our small fridge!)

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Meme Game…

Got from hethosus – an LJ icebreaker game!

1. Reply with your name/nickname and I will write something random about you.
2. I will then tell you what song/movie reminds me of you.
3. I will pick a flavor of jello to wrestle with you in. (Er… maybe…)
4. I will say something that only makes sense to you and me. [if possible]
5. I will tell you my first memory of you.
6. I will tell you what animal you remind me of.
7. I’ll then ask you something that I’ve always wondered about you.
8. If I do this for you, you must post this on your LJ.

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Short Staff = Longer Hours

Well, I’m staying about 2-1/2 hrs. late at work again, due to the fact that our front steps are still under repair, so one person (me, in this case) has to remain at the main security station (just inside the front entrance), and one person has to be at the door that’s acting as the front entrance.

Again, it’ll help with my paycheck. And maybe I’ll actually manage to get 8 hours of sleep this afternoon!

Oh, and just in case people didn’t notice (because I added another post shortly after it), I’m reiterating my question regarding the posting of Chp. 2, Pt. 4 of RuroBatt(/Edge of the Blade): Would you like me to post it now, or would you prefer to wait until I finish writing Chp. 3? (Just as an extra note, I’m on the second half (Pt. 3, to be exact) of Chp. 3…)

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Pics… Lots O’Pics…

Well, I finally went and indulged myself – bought a digital camera. Of course, my first ten or so pictures have been of the cats… will probably add the best of them to my icons, and possibly post here…

Not much else to say, other than that. Hoping we’ll get a new supervisor hired ASAP now that the principal’s been back for a week…

Getting some writing done… Just waiting for my Mom to finish going over what I’ve got of RuroSen before re-posting the first chapter (don’t worry, Mom, no huge hurry – whenever you can get to it), as I’ve posed her the latest nagging question… Also, in terms of RuroBatt/Edge of the Blade, I’ve finally finished writing Chp. 3 Pt. 1, and have begun (sort of) Chp. 3 Pt. 3 (Pt. 2 was done before Pt. 1, since one of them focuses on Kenshin, and the other on Saitô…). Once I figure out how to detail the problems Misao’s causing, I’ll be well on my way…

So, question. Do you want me to post RuroBatt/Edge of the Blade Chp. 2 Pt. 4 right now, or wait until I’ve finished Chp. 3? Up to you guys – it’s basically ready…


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