Almost Done…

Well, almost done this shift… Only another 10 minutes to go.

It’s been a long one… The school I work at was hosting the Fulford Debates today, and because of the fact that people were coming and going almost constantly during them, I had to stay at the desk for the first half of my shift. Added to that, it was supposed to end at 4:00pm. Note the “supposed to”. In fact, it didn’t end until after 4:30 – and then we had students trickling out for the next 1/2 hr to 45 mins… (*sigh*)

So I didn’t get to do any patrols until my shift was almost 2/3 over – and then, both the patrols I did manage to get done were interrupted by students needing access to the school to get things they’d forgotten in their lockers yesterday… (*sigh*x2)

Oh, well… almost done… I want to go home, check Aspen’s paw (it got cut yesterday), and curl up in bed…

At least tomorrow will be quiet. Just brunch, and then work at 11pm…

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More Random Ramblings…

Well, I’m working tomorrow – 12 hr. shift. Volunteered for it, since our weekend person is taking the day off (the week before she leaves, actually), and am hoping to get at least a bit of creative work done among the patrols and keeping an eye on the people there for the Fulford debate…

Plus, my knee is buggered all to hell right now. I occasionally have this problem where my kneecap(s) decide(s) it/they don’t like the position they’re supposed to be in, so it/they shift slightly. Not fun for walking places… and even less fun for handling stairs (of which I have to walk up 2-1/2 flights to get to my apartment). Luckily, it’s not too bad at the moment, and having a cane handy is pretty much enough to deal with it.

Had breakfast with my “adopted” aunt this morning – met her after work. Had a nice, long chat (we spent about 2 hrs. there, all told) and she told me all about the 2 weeks in Costa Rica visiting my parents that she just came back from on Monday. She had a great time, and it sounds like it was as relaxing for her as it was for me (which was definitely nice). And apparently the cat toys I picked up in an effort to replace the knitted mouse that Gypsy (the new puppy) took a liking to were a real success – she said all four of the cats loved them. (And given that only two of them played with the knitted mouse, that’s not bad!)

Okay, that’s about it for the random ramblings… got to have something to eat, take my tablets, relax for a bit, and head back to bed so I can head into work for 11 tomorrow morning…


Posted in Cats, Family, Health, Life in General, Rambling, Work | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Random Ramblings

Well, it’s been a fairly quiet month, all told… Haven’t been doing all that much, frankly. Sleeping more than I probably should be…

The past two weeks at work have been fairly quiet, but with the brats coming back tomorrow morning, it’s back to the usual now (*sigh*).

Going to try my best to get some writing done – this month has been awful for me creativity-wise…

Later, all!

Posted in Life in General, Rambling | Tagged | 3 Comments

Zine Updates…

Well, I’ve finally managed to get the website for Blackfly Presses, the fanfic zine publisher of which I am a part, mostly updated (all prices are right, and that sort of thing). Was thinking that it would take me until tomorrow to get around to it (I’m rather tired at this point), but I ended up pushing all the way through it this morning. *whew!* *wipes forehead*

Now I just need to go through the latest zine status reports to get that info, but it can wait until tomorrow… or maybe the weekend, depending on how much other stuff ends up on my plate. Kenshin and Saitô are really starting to agitate to get to work on the writing again – they want the second chapter of the other RK story (the one that isn’t RuroBatt) moving forward… not to mention Chp. 2 of RuroBatt itself finished… (They’re just a little more insistent about the other one right now.)

Later, all!

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What Time Is It?

Time for another of tag’s weather rants!

Well, I assume most people have heard the saying that’s supposed to apply to March: “In like a lamb, out like a lion”? Unfortunately, I suspect that Canada’s (and Toronto’s in particular) weather systems have never heard it, because there are very few years I can remember that actually happening. And this definitely isn’t going to be one of them, considering that we’re currently experiencing a snowstorm…

*sigh* Oh, well… I can’t exactly do anything to change the weather (unfortunately), and I can’t go back to Costa Rica yet, so I’m just going to have to put up with it.

Now that that’s over with… In terms of fic, I haven’t been doing that much lately, I’m afraid (got the first 19 YYH DVDs two days after I got home from Costa Rica, and have been preoccupied with watching them), but I’m hoping to get back to work on them this week. Especially as I really need to get through Eye of the Storm and on to the sequel… (I’m going to be so ashamed at MediaWest this year, but there’s no way at this point that I’m going to be able to finish EotS and the sequel in time to get Dreams, Memories & Truths Vol. II published for May…)

Cute meme…

Posted in Earth: Final Conflict, Fic, Fun and Games, Memes, Rambling, Weather, Zines | Tagged , , , , , , , | 1 Comment