Flying On A Jet Plane…
Well, I suppose an Airbus 319 is close enough… Okay, here we go – the story of my trip from about the time I left you 9 hours ago… The boarding pass for my flight said Gate 4. Given that … Continue reading
Well, I suppose an Airbus 319 is close enough… Okay, here we go – the story of my trip from about the time I left you 9 hours ago… The boarding pass for my flight said Gate 4. Given that … Continue reading
Well, almost done this shift… Only another 10 minutes to go. It’s been a long one… The school I work at was hosting the Fulford Debates today, and because of the fact that people were coming and going almost constantly … Continue reading
Well, I’ve been in Toronto for just over 48 hours (plane landed at 8:38pm Saturday)… and wouldn’t you know it, 24 hours after I arrived, we were having a snowstorm! *sigh* I’m not yet re-acclimated to this weather! On the … Continue reading
Well, this is it. In a few hours, I’ll be on my way back to Toronto (and the cold and the snow – though at least it appears to be above -20C today…). I’m really going to miss Costa Rica … Continue reading
Well, I ended up in a much better mood about an hour after my last entry, thanks to some fic. Good fic is a cure for a lot of things. This is just basically a ramble… I just got home … Continue reading
Well, we’ve had some surprising progress (by accident) between Aspen and Mitzy… Aspen (although not a lap cat) likes to curl up on the back of my chair, while Mitzy generally curls up either in my lap, or – if … Continue reading
Don’t know whether my family remembers how I got Scrapper – our large male cat who (at the time) disdained both laps and being lifted, and who now lives with my parents in Costa Rica and fights with Mouse and … Continue reading
Well, the parents have visited, seen Mitzy, and met Aspen… Seems I have no need to worry about Aspen’s reaction to guests – she was approaching Mom to greet her the minute she walked in the door, and wandering around … Continue reading
Okay, I got home from work this afternoon, and Aspen proceeded to act true to feline nature… She licked me more than she has in the past month, and started headbutting my arm for attention. I now know not to … Continue reading
Working late today, as my supervisor is off on vacation, so the rest of us are filling in when we can. Working late tomorrow as well. Definitely going to be exhausted, despite the duty not being overly onerous – 12-1/2 … Continue reading