Yawning… At Work…

Boy, am I ever tired. Can’t seem to stop yawning, and I’ve got another 4 hours to go… Can’t wait for noon. And so glad I’m not working this weekend (except of course for Plan: Clean Up tag’s Apartment, and Plan: Get That Story Written Before the Deadline, of course).

Trying very hard not to fall asleep…

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On The Contrary Nature of Cats…

Okay, I got home from work this afternoon, and Aspen proceeded to act true to feline nature… She licked me more than she has in the past month, and started headbutting my arm for attention. I now know not to post anything about her behaviour unless I’m certain it’s not something she’s going to change.

Heading off to bed now…

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Working Late, Parents, & Observations on Cats

Working late today, as my supervisor is off on vacation, so the rest of us are filling in when we can. Working late tomorrow as well. Definitely going to be exhausted, despite the duty not being overly onerous – 12-1/2 hours can take it out of one. Oh well – as of noon tomorrow, I’ll be enjoying my weekend, and I don’t have to work Saturday this week, so that’s a good thing… especially as I have to finish cleaning my apartment.

My parents are visiting (arrived in T.O. Tuesday night), and are coming over early Sunday afternoon – to see Mitzy and meet Aspen – so the place has to at least look neat, rather than the… ahem… mess it is now…

And speaking of my cats, I’ve found a rather interesting thing… Aspen (the new one – see CPR, AED, Cats, and Rec Pages from Nov. 13th) treats me unlike any other cat the family or I have had. Brightspot was a friend I grew up with (and am still mourning) and was very definitely my owner; to Mitzy I’m a lap, comfortable knees, and a means to get the attention that she is owed by right; and Aspen seems to regard me as a giant cat with opposable thumbs. It’s weird – she treats me exactly as though I were a cat (butting her head at my forehead to show affection – rather than a headbutt at my stomach or a hand to demand attention), giving me the same sort of treatment she gives Mitzy (though I don’t get licked nearly as much – Aspen licking me is much more rare than seeing her lick Mitzy). It makes for some interesting observations on feline behaviour. She really is an adorable little beast, who is becoming more and more affectionate faster than I had thought she would (having grown up on the streets).

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Who Would Have Guessed…

Being on a creative high (like I have been all night at work – and, in fact, all evening before work as well) really brightens my mood immensely. (Check out my current mood to see what I mean!) *G*

Oh, I’m having a great time! For the first time since July, Liam is actually cooperating with me, so – while I won’t get Eye of the Storm finished by the end of November (as I’d originally really, really hoped I would), I may just get it done by the end of December… which still leaves me 4-1/2 months to get the novel sequel written in order to have Dreams, Memories & Truths Vol. II ready for MediaWest*Con 2005. Hey, I can do it – I managed to finish In Search of the Truth (novel prequel to Eye of the Storm) in 4 months, after all…

Yeah, I think my current mood is pretty obvious, don’t you? *G*

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The Musae Are Back!

And Liam and Sandoval are yelling, thank goodness…

I can’t seem to stop smiling, even though I’m rewriting almost all of Pt. 13 of Eye of the Storm – but hey, it’s likely to lead to me actually getting Pt. 14 started, so that’s all to the good, right?

Off to do a bit of re-reading (to remind myself of some details) before going on to get work done…

*Up pops a sign, held by a chibi-Liam: Don’t Disturb The Writer*

*Abruptly another sign is thrust in front of the first, held by tag herself: Responses to this Post Won’t Disturb the Writer*


Posted in Creativity, Earth: Final Conflict, Fic, Plot Bunnies! | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again…

…Toronto’s weather is weird. See some of my rants below about the winter cold… and then consider the fact that we’re apparently due to have a high of 14C (approx. 57.2F for those poor souls not on the metric system *G*) today. *sigh* Well, at least that will give me a chance to air my place out. And hopefully the boilers at work will be turned off – it’s awfully hot here at the moment with them on.

Well, I’ll catch everyone later, with either a rant about Canada Post, or comments about how relieved I am…

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Well, I’ve posted “The Pendant” on FF.Net… (URL is t.a.g.0’s FF.Net page) – we’ll see what comes of it. Here’s hoping people like it…

Got to get ready to go to work now. Don’t know why I’m so sleepy when I’ve had plenty the past two days, unless it’s the weather (from what I saw earlier, it’s raining, or has been). Weird. Would much prefer to be wide awake, especially when I want to get some work done on my stories… *sigh*.

Oh well. Will probably be posting a rant against Canada Post and possibly customs if the package I’ve been expecting to arrive for the past two weeks (ordered 3-1/2 weeks ago from California) doesn’t show up tomorrow. Or at least the delivery notice.

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CPR, AED, Cats, And Rec Pages

Just general posting here… Had to do a CPR refresher & AED training course today, for work (AED: basically the public defibrillators that are in malls, rec centres, municipal buildings, etc.). The trainer kept things interesting, and I actually didn’t mind taking time out of my day to do it.

Got home, and figured it was very definitely time to trim the cats’ claws. Mitzy was, as usual, fairly complacent about it (well, as complacent as she ever gets about my hands manipulating her paws). Aspen (the newest: two-year old stray acquired from the Toronto Humane Society on July 30th), whose last claw trimming was the week I brought her home, and took two days and four attempts, objected semi-violently to me doing her first paw. After that, however, it went surprisingly smoothly – especially considering that Aspen is not a lap cat. So I have reasonable hopes for the next time I have to do it.

I then found out that my long (most likely novel-length) Harry Potter WIP, Harry Potter and the Sensitive’s Gift, has been added to a rec page of Snape/Harry Mentor, Guardian, Father/Son, Master/Apprentice, etc. stories, with a rating by the site owner of 5 chocolate frogs (her highest)! Found myself extremely flattered by that. If anyone’s interested, the rec page URL is Potions and Snitches, and my story is available at my Fanfiction.Net account – t.a.g.0, or directly at Harry Potter and the Sensitive’s Gift.

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