Imber’s Adventures, Part The Second

Yes, she’s had another adventure – this one a lot more relaxing and pleasing for me than the last! Read all about it behind the LJ-cut (put because some people – for some reason that utterly escapes me – might not be interested in reading about my adorable little kitten)!

First of all, a little diagram of the floors of the house… it’s got four “half-floors”:

___2nd Fl_____
                _____1st Fl______

My room, the “suite/main room” and the laundry room and furnace room are in the “SubBsmt” (sub-basement). The den, Dad’s study, and the downstairs bathroom with the cats’ food is in the “Bsmt”. The living room, the dining room, and the kitchen are on the “1st Fl”, and the rest of the bedrooms and the upstairs bathroom are on the “2nd Fl”. Since Imber and I arrived, she’s mainly stayed down in the sub-basement, mostly in my room, with the occasional foray up to the den (when none of the other animals were there, preferably – which is getting hard now, because the colder weather is setting in, and Thor, whom she hates with a passion, likes the den).

So, as mentioned in my weekly update last Sunday, I’ve started taking Imber up to the living room occasionally. I’m trying to do that a bit every day. A couple of days ago (Thursday night) while I was out at work, Imber apparently wandered up to the den where Mom, Dad and Daph were watching TV three times, including a visit out to the bathroom (the den is right off the stairs leading up from my “main suite”; the bathroom is down a short hall to the back). Good for her!

Well, I got home from work tonight and needed to use the washroom. Looking at Imber, I decided to see if I could coax her out, despite the fact that Thor was in the den and Mew was at the top of the stairs leading from the basement to the kitchen.

To my amazement, it worked! She didn’t even need that much coaxing! I was floored! (In a very, very pleased way, of course.) So she stayed in the washroom with me, then came out, and Mew was down at the bottom of the stairs to the kitchen, watching us. I blocked him with my feet as she slipped carefully around him (not without a hiss or two) and into the den.

Then I started to head up to the kitchen to make some hot chocolate (it’s getting cold here!). After a bit more coaxing, Imber decided to stay up in the den to wait for me; and then, to my astonishment, when I got up the stairs to the kitchen and turned to look, she’d settled in the doorway of the den, right across from Mew, and was just watching me!

At some point while I was waiting for the water to boil, Mew got up and wandered up to the top of the stairs – which luckily kept Sancho (the large dog) from bounding down them as soon as he saw Imber. Everything went surprisingly peacefully, and then when I started downstairs with my drink (and Sancho following me), Imber headed back down to my bedroom.

I’m really, really proud of her right now. She’s been so brave, it’s humbling. She is scared of the other animals, but she put that to one side to follow me. It means a lot. I know I shouldn’t compare her to Brightspot too much (though I still swear she has to be Brightspot’s next life) but that devotion reminds me of my Burmese demon-child. And yet there’s something in there that’s pure Imber, determined to prove herself fully capable to her Mommy-Cat. That cat doesn’t know the meaning of the term “physically handicapped”, and thank goodness for it!

Well, thanks for listening to me ramble on about my kitten. Weekly update coming later today.

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Weekly Update: Sunday Oct. 23/11

Okay, here’s the belated update for this past week. Sorry for the delay in getting it out, but, well… it’s been that kind of week, as you’ll read. It’s not going to be very long, because most of this week has been a blur and a half, and I don’t remember specifics.

Hm. In no particular order, the following happened:

Had a very enjoyable Scrabble game on Wednesday with the WAMUN group – I even managed to win a game! Yay me! 😉

Got a detailed response back on my Canada Writes story from my adopted uncle that echoed some things that my sister-in-law and one of my other uncles both said, so I’m planning to do some revising (AKA re-writing) during my free days this week, so I can send it in to the contest by the weekend. (It’s due in by 11:59pm ET on Nov.1.)

Um… brought Imber up to the living room a couple of times. The last time was early this afternoon, and I’m told she stayed up there for about an hour (a whole hour!) without me after I went down for a nap. I was very impressed by this, because she spent last Saturday or Sunday (whichever was the first day up there this past month) shivering the entire time. She even let Dad hold her for a while when I went in to make Mom some hot lemon with honey and answer the phone!

Right, that brings up another thing. Mom’s sick with a cold/the flu. Nasty sore throat, no energy, etc. She’s been sick since Friday (at least).

I have a few more ideas for my NaNo story, and am getting impatiently eager for November to start.

Work is… well, it’s been improved the past two days (yes, I’ve worked seven days in a row, and I’m working again “tomorrow” – Monday), but it was draining me this past week. I was having a lot of trouble with sleeping and depression – and headaches – and that was worrying me. We (my supervisor and I) now have an attack plan for part of what the problem’s been, which is part of the reason why the past two days (Sat. and Sun.) haven’t been too bad. Also, I got another 5 renewals this week in total, so that’s not too bad either. (And no, we don’t get commission on renewals, but we do get point awards, and you can buy things with points.)

We had Julia last night and this morning (Sat/Sun), and Dad, Daphne and I went to breakfast/brunch with her. That was nice. She was very chatty, and she’s started learning her lower-case letters (as opposed to just the capitals). She’s wanting to know how to spell everything even more now. And she was pointing out the various things that appear on my NaNoLand t-shirt, and having a ball doing so. This cheered me up a great deal.

I’ve resumed doing Tai Chi Chuan by myself, and am hoping that once my work schedule stabilizes, I’ll be able to get involved in the St. John’s chapter and actually go to weekly meetings for Tai Chi. I need it, based on the help it’s been so far the past couple of days.

Mom saw a physiotherapist for her rheumatoid arthritis earlier this week, and she might be able to get into a study on it. This would be a good thing, so we’re rooting for that. This might also mean that she wouldn’t have to go down to CR in November.

Huh. I guess there was a bit more to talk about than I thought. Well, that’s good. Hopefully there’ll be more details about what’s going on in my next update, and I’ll have pleasanter things to talk about. (Though some of my points were pleasant enough – like Imber and Mom possibly getting into a study.)

Okay, I’m wiped and really need to get some sleep. *sighs* Can’t wait until I have the seniority to move my schedule down a bit, so that I’d get home by about 9:30 or so. That wouldn’t be too bad. (On the other hand, after midnight, things get fairly quiet….)

‘Later, all!
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Weekly Update: Friday Oct. 07/11

So, this past week.

Well, turns out that Dad got cashews when he went shopping last Friday, so my friend and I had Oriental Chicken with cashews. Was good, and there were a couple of servings left over for lunch this past week.

The weekend was fairly quiet – nothing much happened, really. I read a bit, relaxed, did nothing much… it was nice. Mom and I did go out shopping for a rain jacket and shoes on Sunday – found a really nice, light jacket and a pair of good, black shoes with velcro “laces” – I’m a match for Julia now! *G*

Not a lot happened Monday – just went to work/class, did a few things there (though not much, because we’ve had ID troubles all week – see more on that below), and started learning the basics of the Loyalty program. Got 92.5% on my final Wireless test – yay!

Tuesday… well, Tuesday during the day was pretty much the same as Monday. Tuesday night, however, I found a link to CBC’s Canada Writes contest and decided that there was no way I wasn’t going to participate. Actually started writing the story I plan to enter today.

Wednesday again, went much the same. Did okay on my Loyalty test (86.something%) and got my schedule for the next couple of weeks. Sort of. Again, see below for details on what’s been going on with that. But I was due to be working the floor Friday and Saturday from 3:30pm to midnight, and next week Tuesday through Friday, same thing (though I had put in a shift request form to get Tuesdays off, because I have the Asperger’s Group meetings the second Tuesday of every month), and the week after Monday through Friday, same thing.

Wednesday night I had my phone appointment with Dr. Garling. It went well – I was able to tell him all about what happened last week (the bad and the good things) and how I handled the bad things, and we were able to discuss the books I found (ref. Update Fri. Sept 23rd). It went well.

Yesterday… ah, yesterday.

First of all, yesterday was cold. Today was worse, but yeah, winter weather is starting to hit.

Secondly, I (well, Mom, but that should hopefully be fixed now) got an email to say that the Asperger’s Group meeting this coming week would be Wednesday, rather than Tuesday. Hmph. As Dad pointed out, changing schedules like that is not the best thing to do to anyone with an Autism Spectrum Disorder… and it also screwed up my next week’s schedule (which has thankfully been ironed out, because I told Heather – our trainer – about it as soon as I got in to work). I wrote an email back about that (not the ASD stuff, but the work stuff), because this coming week we’re going to be discussing relationships – friendships and dating – and it’s an important topic, one I really, really don’t want to miss.

So, then, on to work.

We were due in at work at 4:30 to get certified, and then go on the floor. We got in there… and discovered that A) Adam, the only male left in our group of 4 students, had evidently decided not to come back; and B) we didn’t have our IDs set up for the live environment system, meaning we couldn’t go on the phones. So no certification, and no floor work.

So we shadowed (listened to other people taking calls) for a few hours, then had a “huddle” – an hour-long meeting – with our new supervisor, who seems very nice. Then we were free to leave, so Dad came and got me and drove me home at about 8:30 or thereabouts. *shrugs* We were also told to come back for 5:30 tonight, rather than our scheduled 3:30, because our supervisor wasn’t going to be in until 5. That was fine, a bit more time before I had to face the phones.

So, I get into work today to discover that Suze – the other newbie in our class – was shadowing. News? Our IDs still aren’t live. *sighs heavily* Which means that really, all we can do is shadow. So we shadow for about 2-1/2 hours, then have another hour-long huddle, and head back home after that. We were informed there was really no point in coming in tomorrow (Saturday) because the Rogers guys (it’s Rogers Wireless we’re working for, so they’re the ones who have to set up our IDs in the live environment, because they’re Rogers programs, not Sykes) aren’t working the weekend – or Monday, seeing as it’s Thanksgiving.

We were told that we could come in for about 3 hours (minimum) on Monday to do some more shadowing, and both Suze and I are going to do that – go in at 1 and shadow for a few hours.

Other than that… the plan is that we’re having family Thanksgiving dinner on Sunday (Tony, Anna and Julia will be coming over, I believe) – with pumpkin pie as an option for dessert, yum! (I love pumpkin pie with – or even without! – whipped cream….) Tomorrow I think I’m going to make another try at the Margaret Mews Library, now that I know exactly where it is. Hopefully it won’t be too cold out (though compared to Toronto’s winter weather, St. John’s is mild – there’s windchill, yes, but it’s rarely below -10°C, if that), and there might be sun. (Hey, it was sunny today while some light rain and hail were coming down!)

The rest of the week – well, I’ve mentioned that I’ll be working Monday for a few hours. We really, really hope that our IDs will be live by 3:30 on Tuesday, and I’ll be working Tuesday, Thursday and Friday in the afternoon and night. Despite the fact I’m uncertain about my ability to bridge for renewals and upgrades, I’m rather looking forward to getting on the floor and starting to answer calls myself.

Anyway, to those of you in Canada, I really hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. To those outside, have a wonderful weekend, and a good week to come!

‘Later, all!
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Pictures From Newfoundland!

Hey, everyone! I’ve got some Newfoundland pics up in my gallery, from both St. John’s and Brigus. The direct links are as follows:
Main Newfoundland Gallery: which has a pic of the two flags of Newfoundland, and contains the two below galleries as sub-galleries
St. John’s Gallery: with pictures from a couple of different days, currently mostly of downtown St. John’s, Water St.
Brigus Gallery: with pictures from the trip we took out to my uncle’s townhouse in Brigus in August

‘Later, all!
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Weekly Update: Friday Sept. 30/11

So, it turns out that Tony and Anna had a couch-surfer from New Zealand this past weekend, so on Friday night, we looked after Julia while they took him downtown to be Screeched In. I slept well Friday night – I even slept in! – and woke up to Julia and Mom in the morning.

Had a good, relaxing Saturday. Not much happened; I read a bit, relaxed, read fic… and in the evening, went to see “Dying Hard”, my cousin Mikaela’s show.

Gods. I sent out the link to my review on Sunday, but… man. The show was intense. I really enjoyed it.

Sunday was mostly quiet, but I ended up meeting the guy from the Asperger’s group that I clicked with. (It turned out I’d been waiting for him to contact me, and he’d been waiting for me to contact him – but he had my phone number, and only Daphne had his info.) We met up at Tim Horton’s at 3:30, and before we knew it, it was 6:30! Had to call Mom and Dad as we were leaving to let them know I hadn’t disappeared. The two of us just have so many similar experiences and manifestations….

Monday morning, I discovered that the cocker, Quixote, had peed behind Imber’s litter box. (It was definitely a dog, and Sancho won’t walk on the laminate that is the floor of my “main suite”.) Turns out he’s also done some peeing on the floor of the den, which he knew he wasn’t allowed to do – and it wasn’t kidney problems, he was choosing to do it. As a result, Monday afternoon, Mom and Dad went to the vet and had Don Quixote de la Rancho put down. Sancho and the parents miss him, but they’re adjusting.

Had an issue at the end of work that upset me Monday evening, but was able to talk it out with Mom and Dad. However, I was really upset and crying, and I woke up Tuesday morning with a sore throat.

Aside from getting 96% on the weekly assessment test on Tuesday, nothing much happened Tuesday and Wednesday. Just went to work, came home, and crashed early because I wasn’t feeling too well. Took a few cups of hot lemon and honey Wednesday and Thursday.

Yesterday (Thursday) I was feeling even worse (still just the sore throat, luckily), so grabbed some Strepsils, and took a drink of cranberry cocktail to help with the throat. It’s still sore today, but much better than it was yesterday morning.

Yesterday I also had coffee/tea (well, hot chocolate) at Timmy’s with the guy from the Asperger’s group again – though this time I set my watch alarm so I wouldn’t be late for dinner – and he’s coming over tonight for dinner. *shrugs* We’ve just clicked so well….

Today was fine – somewhat warm and muggy, though. Work went fairly well, and going to have Oriental Chicken and Cashews with rice (and without cashews) for dinner and chat some more. Watch us still be chatting when Mom and Dad get home from dinner out!

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Dying Hard: An Award-Winning One Woman Play

Tonight I went to see the performance of my cousin’s play, Dying Hard. It’s based on the book of the same name by noted anthropologist Elliott Leyton, professor of anthropology at Memorial University of Newfoundland, about the miners in the town of St. Lawrence, Newfoundland – miners who suffered and died from cancer and silicosis got from working in the fluorspar mines, and their wives. Those of you who have read yesterday’s weekly update saw some links about the play, but this was the first time I saw it. I won’t be posting this review behind an LJ-Cut, because I want everyone to read it.

The play consists of the verbatim responses to the interviews given by six of the subjects of the book, four of them miners and two of them wives. Their stories are powerful in and of themselves, because all the ones chosen by Mikaela (my cousin) faced their fates with strength, and weren’t afraid to prompt laughs – even with the subject matter, the play had the audience laughing at numerous parts.

The order in which they progress is also powerful – two miners, one of the wives, then the other two miners and the second wife, who had already become a widow by that time. And I hadn’t realized before just how versatile Mikaela could be with her body language, and her face: she became those characters, using only a prop or two for each, even taking on their dialect (which made those of us in the audience unaccustomed to the thicker Newfoundland accents listen even more carefully to the first character) in a way that really got the essence of who they were across.

The play took place in the basement theatre of the St. John’s Arts and Culture Centre, a small and fairly intimate theatre. Several songs were playing leading up to the play, including “The Chemical Worker’s Song (Process Man)” by Great Big Sea, from their album “up” – all focusing on the plight of miners in the developing industrial world. It added something to the atmosphere, I think.

I won’t describe the play in detail – it’s really something that has to be experienced to be understood, because it’s very much a visual and audial experience, and one that I think would be cheapened if I were to write it down. All I can say was that it was exceedingly powerful – so much so that as the lights faded after the widow’s part, one member of the audience (no idea who – we were sitting in the front row) breathed, “Wow!” That really said it all, I think.

Both last night and tonight were fully sold out; she’s going on to show the play in twenty more locations around the island over the next month or so, and she’s also going to be giving talks in high schools and junior highs about sociology and the means of passing on culture and history by means of stories and things such as theatre.

The play was first performed last year, in 2010, as part of the Fringe Festivals, which is where it won at least some of the aforementioned awards. Given the performance I saw tonight, it definitely deserves them. Mikaela mentioned in an interview she gave (the one with WAM, see link below) that while the stories were harsh and unpleasant, in terms of what happened to them, she wanted people to come away from the experience of watching the play with a feeling of hope and strength, the way the subjects had faced their fates. I think she definitely succeeded. And the order in which the characters appear plays a role in this, as well as the elements of humour from each of them. You might think that the widow’s story is the saddest – and in a way it is, if any of the stories can be said to be sadder than any other. They’re all facing death, after all. But at the same time, the widow spent a wonderful life with her husband while he lived, and she herself talks about the strength that everyone has shown facing this, and that really comes across.

Mikaela: Congratulations on succeeding in your aims for “Dying Hard”. You really did a magnificent job.

Links for some further information:
Here’s her interview on CBC WAM (Weekend Arts Morning).
Here’s a The Telegram article (for those who don’t know, The Telegram is the St. John’s newspaper).
Another newspaper article, from The Southern Gazette.
And one from the Calgary Herald.
Dying Hard: Industrial Carnage in St. Lawrence Newfoundland by Elliott Leyton at, at Chapters/Indigo, and at

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Weekly Update – Friday Sept. 16/11

Well, it’s been an exciting and surprising quick week for me this week. Third week of training for work (three more to go, and we’re down to six people, from eight), and we had our first weekly assessment on Tuesday. It wasn’t as bad as it could have been, and the whole class passed. I was the only one to get 100%, so that was a nice bit.

Imber’s been getting braver; she’s starting to go up to the den on her own, rather than waiting for me to coax her. Sancho (the mutt) chased Imber on Wednesday when she had gone up there. *sighs* Imber also has it out for Mouse; for some reason, she seems to dislike Mouse intensely.

In terms of physical health, I seem to be doing well overall. I suspect I’ve lost a bit more weight over the last week, though I don’t have a scale to confirm that. I’ve also felt more energy (especially Tuesday and Wednesday!), so clearly the iron pills are working. Only thing really bothering me (in part because Sykes is a scent-free workplace) is my buggered up right knee and the occasional headache (note that they’re not as frequent). I plan to go to physio for my knee – the doctor’s given me a referral – I’m just waiting for my health insurance to kick in. (Not until 3 months at work, unfortunately!)

Speaking of insurance, I have got on the NLPDP (Newf & Labrador Prescription Drug Plan) but they won’t shell out at all for my anti-depressant (which is one of the two drugs that costs a few hundred dollars for 2-3 months’ worth). They’ll do it if used for neuropathic pain in diabetic patients, but not as an anti-depressant. *sigh*

However, in terms of mental and emotional health… well, honestly, I’m doing a lot better than I have been in a while. One of the reasons I was so pumped up Tuesday and Wednesday was the fact that… well, first of all, the assessment test at work. Secondly, Tuesday night was my first meeting of the Adult Aspergers Support Group – and it went wonderfully. It was… I don’t know how to describe it in short form. It was like meeting someone you’ve known for ages without realizing it. It was seriously relaxing. So I was right bouncy Tuesday and Wednesday.

Other than that… well, we’re suffering the ravages of the approaching Hurricane Maria right now. It made landfall at St. Mary’s Bay at 3:30 our time, and Mom figures it’ll hit here within the half hour (it’s currently ten to five here). The winds following it, though, are due to be the worst of it. Steady winds of 95 km/h with gusts of up to 130 km/h, and the soil here has been softened by the rain we’ve been receiving since the middle of last night (though not as much as they were predicting, because apparently the hurricane is travelling north faster than they thought, and the faster it is, the less rain it drops on the areas it goes over), so there’s concern about the trees. That’s why I’m sending this so early, so that if the power does go out, at least you’ll have received my update on time. It’s fairly important to me to make this as regular as possible.

Anyway, that was my week. How have you been? I very eagerly await the news from you.

‘Later all,
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NaNoWriMo 2011, Here I Come!

Well, I’ve been struggling over this for a week now, trying to prepare for getting everything on the NaNo site set up as soon after October 1st as I can access it, and I’ve finally got it. I know what novel I’m going to be writing this year.

It’s a fantasy novel, tentatively titled “Wild Hunt”. Fae, vampires, Hunters, and all that good stuff. But not stupid Hunters – for instance, my male protagonist, who is a Hunter, routinely wears combat pants or not-too-loose cargo pants (for all the pockets) and t-shirts for hunting. None of that silly leather stuff! 😉

Now I’ve just got to work out the details of what the main storyline is. *grins wryly* And the backstory of my two protagonists. Fun times – I like figuring these things out!

‘Later, all!
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