Well, I have now finished the rough draft of Chapter 1 of Rurouni Battôsai – at long last. And speaking of long… it’s about 18 pages in Word, single-spaced… I think it must be one of the – if not the – longest chapters I’ve ever written for anything…
However, please note that the above update very definitely reads ‘rough’. This is because I’m not sure if the last scene (the first half of the confrontation between Kenshin and Saitou at the dojo) works with my premise. Luckily, I’ve got Vathara going through it, so by the time I get it polished up (which hopefully won’t be too long – these particular Plot Bunnies really are quite demanding), it should definitely be up to spec.
Anyway, I’m tired and want to go to bed… so I’ll post more to you all later.
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