Well, I arrived back safe and sound Sunday morning, in time to go to brunch with my aunts here in Toronto. Got home, and crashed until a couple of hours before work.
Somehow, while I was gone, Toronto had its spring and jumped straight to summer. My sister was saying Sunday morning (it was at least 28C, and the humidity made it even worse) that it wasn’t late enough yet in the year for the nights to be hot enough to cause a problem for me at work (my uniform for the school year is a long-sleeve shirt and black pants). Well, she was wrong about that… at 9pm here, the temperature was 26C and the humindex was 29C… Luckily, we’ve been given permission to wear the polo/golf (short-sleeve) shirts that are part of our summer uniform, so tonight should hopefully be better than last night (as I didn’t know before I left for work that I could wear the short-sleeve shirt).
Emotionally… I’d have to say in some ways, I’m still numb/coping. *sigh* It’s going to take a while.
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