Well, I’ve passed a few milestones in the last few days. I really should have posted on Wednesday, when I made and passed 80,000 words, but I’m afraid I wasn’t feeling terribly well at the time.
However, I am now feeling much better, and have two more milestones to present!
First of all, my wordcount surpassed 90,000 words this afternoon. In fact, as of the moment, it is at 95,889 words.
Secondly, I have reached the end of Chapter 13 (my penultimate – second-last – chapter), and the beginning of the long-awaited climax! (The details of which I found out from my characters yesterday afternoon/evening. Don’t you just love characters that that keep you on your toes like that?)
So I have only one more chapter to write before Search & Rescue is finished (at least, if one doesn’t count the change-in-plot necessitated re-write of Chps. 1-3… which I have to admit, I sort of do), and it looks likely that I will finish it by tomorrow evening/night, with a total word count of over 100,000 words.
In case you hadn’t guessed, I’m ecstatic.
😉 tag0
[Edit: And as of 2350 hrs., I now have the rather amusing word count total of 95,999 words.]