Le gasp!
Yes, you see right! I’m actually posting something!
Heh. Things have been semi crazy/busy here lately (as in the last few months), and most of my posting energy has been devoted to the tagAught blog. Plus, I haven’t really had that much energy to write.
But you’re not here to read my ramblings – that’s another post. Nope, today is about Camp NaNoWriMo!
I was working on Camp NaNoWriMo in April of last year, doing a story called It Came From the Library.
When a sophomore mage decides to resurrect a sabretoothed cat through a summoning spell to get a better grade for his current term’s Paleo-biology course, things go wrong.
And then they go spectacularly wrong.
It’s left up to the mage responsible for the mess, and the cousin of his best friend, as well as a Homicide detective investigating the suspicious deaths of too many people, to fix things – before the city becomes overrun with creatures from the Paleocene to the Middle Pleistocene epochs.
— It Came From the Library synopsis, April 2013, from the Camp NaNoWriMo site
The summary has changed slightly – the sophomore mage in question is not a protagonist, and may even be killed early on in the novel – but other than that, there we go!
Anyway, I got about 17K words into in last year. And given that my actual protagonist (“the cousin of his best friend”) is autistic (though not diagnosed as such), April seems to be the appropriate month to work on it, given that everything is about Autism Awareness (which a lot of us feel should be “Autism Acceptance”) this month. So that’s what I’m going to be doing.
My current goal on Camp NaNo is 50K words, but I might decrease that as the month goes on, simply because I started rather late, and I do have other things I’ve got to work on this month. But I figured that I might as well devote some of my spare time to working on adding to ICFtL. 🙂
The link to my page on Camp NaNoWriMo (under TrudyG) is on the links page (big surprise, that! ;)).
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