*In the middle of a large area enclosed by a wooden fence surmounted by barbed wire, anti-aircraft guns and Super-Size, Industrial Strength Spray Cans of “Bunny-B-Gone”, there is a large pile of fur. A single, solitary human hand is stuck up right in the middle, waving a sign that says, “HELP! It’s a Rabid Plot Bunny Attack!”*
I apologize for not posting anything lately, but… well, see above. I’ve been attacked by a large number of Plot Bunnies, the latest of which (for an Airwolf story for Blackfly Presses‘ “Horizontal Mosaic Vol. 12”) is quite rabid. As in, it only let me get two hours of sleep yesterday (this past afternoon), because the moment I’d get close to the point of drifting off… it would suddenly provide me with another sentence or two for one scene or another.
*tag heaves a sigh and mutters something under her breath about [CENSORED] Rabid Plot Bunnies….*
8> tag
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