RK Fic: RS #1 A Strange Partnership – Chp. 4

Early Christmas present! (Oh, and the first three chapters will be edited over the next week.)

Here’s Chp. 4 of RuroSen: A Strange Partnership, in which we have arguing, a lot more brooding, and an unexpected visitor….

[Minor Edits: Wed. Jan. 24/07.]

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

RuroSen1: A Strange Partnership – Author’s Notes – Read Me First!

Posted in Fic, Rurouni Kenshin, Sentinel, Writing, XOver | Tagged , , , , , , | 14 Comments

Fic Update

Yes, I actually have a fic update for you! *pauses as everyone falls down anime-style* *shakes head*

Chapter 4 of RuroSen #1: A Strange Partnership (the Rurouni Kenshin/Sentinel crossover) will be posted after I hear back from my beta-readers and make any recommended changes (definitely within the next week and a half).

Chapter 4 Part 4 of Rurouni Battôsai/Edge of the Blade will definitely be posted before I leave for my rapid Christmas vacation on Dec. 22. (At present I don’t know how long before – it will depend on a couple of things, including whether I can get any more of Chp. 5 written. Hiko’s being an even worse pain in the arse than usual *sigh*.)

Later, all!

😉 tag0

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New Family Member (& General Update)

Whoa! Been a while….

First I got distracted, then I got sick, then I got busy (and distracted), and then I ended up with the November blahs. Yeah, it’s been a long few months. (Though the “busy” part was fun – I had one of my best friends over from Scotland for a week, and we had a blast!)

Getting over the blahs now, and I have a wonderful announcement!

I now have a brand new first cousin-once-removed; my cousin Alain and his wife Claudia had Kaleb James one week ago today! The second of the new generation of O’Dea-Judds (actually, that was my place for our generation…) – my niece Zoe – whose first birthday was on the 9th – being the oldest. (Though we Ontario family members only found out about him on Sunday….) I have even more reasons to look forward to my short XMas visit to St. John’s now!

So, welcome to the family, Kaleb!

Back to general update…. While Loui (the aforementioned Scottish friend) was here, she got me hooked on Supernatural. *sigh* So, now I have another new fandom – and another one I’m writing stories for!

Yes, I have two Supernatural stories underway. One will (most likely) be published in Blackfly Presses Chinook Vol. 7 (debuting at MediaWest*Con 2007), and the other will be ‘net published. More details to follow….

Now, I’ve got to catch up on everything from… what? August?! Yeesh! I know what I’m doing this weekend (aside from the CPR/AED refresher course on Saturday…).

Later, all!

😉 tag0

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Apologies & General Update

Jeez, it’s been over a month since I’ve posted anything! (*checks date of last post*) Yep – a month and a week, in fact. *sighs*

First of all, my apologies – other things have kept me distracted.

First there was finishing my Airwolf story (yes, the one mentioned in the previous two posts) and submitting it to my fellow Blackflies. It’s been accepted, so will definitely be appearing in our zine Horizontal Mosaic: Vol. 12, debuting Sept. 29th. Just waiting for the edits to come back so it gets finalized (while doing my own edits for all the other submissions – we’re popular!).

Then Toronto decided to have a week of tropical – or, at the very least, near-tropical – summer. The humidex that Tuesday reached 47°C (116.6°F)! ARGH! Have I mentioned how much I hate Toronto summers? I’m sure I have…. (The good news is that for the past week, the evenings/overnights have been reasonably mild to cool, and since that’s when I work, I’m happy.)

Then, I spent the next week trying to recover from that week – and the week after that recovering from the weekend between them, when I couldn’t get more than 4-5 hours of sleep at a stretch – at most. Fairly unpleasant one, that. At least last weekend was better.

In other words, I haven’t written anything since I finished the Airwolf story (Something to Live For, Stringfellow Hawke/Michael Archangel, by Bardd).

But there was some good news in there.

One of my best friends (Loui, with whom I form the TwinTorment team of Mischief and Mayhem) is coming for a visit in October! Her flights are all booked (let’s just hope some of this mess regarding carry-on baggage gets dealt with before then, given she’s coming from the UK), and we’re starting to make our plans… I am so looking forward to it!

And just before I sign off – I will be posting (finally) Part 4.3 of RuroBatt/Edge of the Blade by tomorrow morning at the latest.

Later, all!

😉 tag0

Posted in Bardd, Fic, Friends, Life in General, Rambling, Weather | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Update From TT20

Wow! Haven’t been posting all that much lately, but I have an excellent excuse – not only have I had to deal with the Rabid Plot Bunny (see previous post!), but I’ve been doing all the last minute preparation stuff that I needed to for TT20 (previously “Toronto Trek”). This year, I moved from the Con Suite (colloquially known as “Ten-Forward”) to Con Sales (the department that handles convention “swag” – things such as t-shirts and the like made specially for the convention), and was effectively promoted to department head, since both of the people who were doing it last year changed departments as well.

So, having occasionally wandered by the Con Sales table in previous years (usually on the way to the Dealers’ Room, which was pretty much the only time I got out of my room or Ten-Forward), my main concern was whether or not I would manage to sell all the t-shirts that I ordered, over and above the ones that the attendees pre-ordered when registering.

Turns out I needn’t have worried. The Dealers’ Room was open for 3 hours yesterday (the con officially opens at 6pm, and the Dealers’ Room is generally open from 6-9pm Fridays); by 8:30, we were mostly sold out. We currently, as of end of business today, have 4 small light t-shirts left. And as for the special anniversary lanyards that were done for our 20th anniversary… well, they were sold out by 8pm last night.

So, now we’re doing another print run of both t-shirts and lanyards. *rueful grin* My assistant and I have been accepting pre-orders all day. We’re having a great time!

Anyway, got to try to get the last of the Airwolf story out of that Rabid Plot Bunny, so I’ll post later….

😉 tag0

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Notes From The Plot Bunny Corral….

*In the middle of a large area enclosed by a wooden fence surmounted by barbed wire, anti-aircraft guns and Super-Size, Industrial Strength Spray Cans of “Bunny-B-Gone”, there is a large pile of fur. A single, solitary human hand is stuck up right in the middle, waving a sign that says, “HELP! It’s a Rabid Plot Bunny Attack!”*

I apologize for not posting anything lately, but… well, see above. I’ve been attacked by a large number of Plot Bunnies, the latest of which (for an Airwolf story for Blackfly Presses‘ “Horizontal Mosaic Vol. 12”) is quite rabid. As in, it only let me get two hours of sleep yesterday (this past afternoon), because the moment I’d get close to the point of drifting off… it would suddenly provide me with another sentence or two for one scene or another.

*tag heaves a sigh and mutters something under her breath about [CENSORED] Rabid Plot Bunnies….*

8> tag

Posted in Airwolf, Fic, Plot Bunnies! | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment