Because I Just Found Out Chiruken tagged Me… *G*

Just found out I got tagged (I’ve been neglecting LJ badly over the past two months…).

Guilt What is yours? Explain yourself
Culinary: Kraft Mac and Cheese Comfort food that’s very easy to make.
Literary: Rurouni Kenshin manga *G* Because I’m obsessed – that’s all there is to it!
Audiovisual: Doctor Who S1 DVDs (currently) Umm… because that’s the last thing I watched?
Musical: Heather Alexander (sings filk) I love the Mercedes Lackey songs she sings…
Celebrity: none, not really… well, maybe Michael Shanks, or Peter Wingfield… I prefer shows to actors…

Now I tag (your choice):-
stormheller hethos calic0cat hauntfox and mickeyk

to complete this same Quiz; it’s HERE.


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I Have DSL!

*bounce* *bounce* *bounce*

I now have DSL service!

I’m so happy… *G*

Not only does it mean I have high-speed internet, but it’s going to save me money, too… *G*

So yeah, my mood is very right…

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I’m currently on Webcam with my sister and niece Zoe – and on the phone with them as well!

Zoe’s been sick for the past week or so, apparently, but she was smiling and laughing for me on the Webcam… and I even got some squawks and burbles from her on the phone! It’s the first time I’ve been on the phone with her that she hasn’t tried to eat it… *grin*

She’s just so cute!

Later, all!
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Quickie Post

Yes, RuroSen Chapter 3 is coming up within the hour (or hour and a half, depending on how long it takes me to HTML-format it).

Had a reasonably good day – got a surprising amount accomplished (including managing to unpack everything this morning!). And temperature-wise… well, it’s nothing like Escazu or San José usually are, but we were up to about 9°C (48°F). Despite the rain, I’m reasonably pleased with the weather (remember, when I left, the temperature was averaging about -15°C/5°F with wind-chills of around -24°C/-11°F).

More Soon!
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Flying On A Jet Plane…

Well, I suppose an Airbus 319 is close enough…

Okay, here we go – the story of my trip from about the time I left you 9 hours ago…

The boarding pass for my flight said Gate 4. Given that last year, the pass said Gate 4B, and it ended up being Gate 4A1 (which is a floor below Gates 1-5 & 4B), at about 1:15 pm (more or less) I checked the gate with Customer Service, who confirmed that it was definitely Gate 4.

About 5 minutes later, an announcement comes over the PA system to say that flight AC 999 from San José to Toronto was leaving from Gate 4A1, as opposed to Gate 4. I had to laugh.

Turns out that we were actually leaving from Gate 4A3, but since that’s just across a small room from 4A1, the only problem were the crowds (Gate 4A1 was actually a Taca flight going to Guatemala, and Gate 4A2 was the Lacsa flight going San Salvador-Toronto).

Spent the 25-30 minutes waiting for my particular boarding call chatting to a man who was on my flight; he’d been in Costa Rica for 9 days, mostly on business that had involved also going to Belize and Guatemala. We had a pleasant conversation.

Then, when I got into my seat, I was seated next to an older couple who’d been on vacation. We got to talking about our trips, a bit of where we’d gone (they’d visited Arenal – one of Costa Rica’s active volcanoes – and actually had a clear view of the top the first morning they were there), and then got a surprise.

Turns out that they live about only two blocks south and six to eight blocks east of me!

We definitely had some turbulence, both taking off (a bit, not nearly as much as we did landing in CR) and during the flight, but it didn’t really bother me that much. (Experienced flyer here…) The flight was fairly enjoyable overall, and I actually managed to (*gasp*) get another page and a half of RuroSen written!

When we arrived at Pearson (we reached the gate at 8:45 pm), it turned out that we were actually in the main building of Terminal 1 (as opposed to the temporary building out in the middle of the runway area, which takes a 10-15 shuttle bus ride to reach), at Gate 155. Went through Customs, which took about 10 minutes or so – I was right behind the couple I’d been sitting next to – part of which was used up being entertained by the very excited dog sniffing for drugs (he was bouncing around all over the place!). Got my luggage fairly quickly (my largest suitcase came by just as I reached the carousel, so I managed to grab it quickly, and then it was another rotation and a bit to get my other suitcase), and was through the last checkpoint and out by the taxis just before 9:15 pm. Less than half an hour all told – better than my last two trips from CR! (The first one, one of my suitcases had been grabbed and moved over to the claim area in the back, so I waited at the carousel for about 40 minutes for it to show up before going to report it lost; last year, I ended up having my suitcases checked – random spot check, I suspect – before I could leave the baggage claim area.)

Got home half an hour ago, and after about 30 seconds of staring at me (Dad, you were right on the timing!) I had both cats coming up to me for attention; right now, Mitzy’s on my lap (trying to make sure that I’m not paying too much attention to the computer), and Aspen is stretched out over the back of my chair (her favourite place to be when I’m sitting there).

Well, I’m tired; going to quickly eat my dinner (the sandwich Mom packed for me), put away a few things, and then go curl up in bed. Off to breakfast/brunch/coffee tomorrow with one aunt, and then the same again with another on Friday (we’re not going all together due to scheduling difficulties), to tell them all the details and show all the pictures… *G*

RuroSen Chapter 3 will be posted tomorrow. RuroBatt/Edge of the Blade Chapter 3.4 will most likely be posted either Friday or Saturday.

Later, all!

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…Babe, I Hate To Go…

Well, here I am, Aeropuerto Juan Santamaria, with an hour to go before official boarding time. Didn’t have to line up to get my exit stamp, as we got that done at the bank on Monday, and was through security like that *tag snaps her fingers*.

Do, however, have some seating irony…

The Air Canada Airbus 319 that does the direct route from Toronto Pearson to San José(/Alajuela) Juan Santamaria has an amazing amount of leg room. Being over 6 foot, with most of that height in my legs, that is an important factor for me.

On my flight down, I ended up in the window seat of the exit row, 17A, which doesn’t actually have a seat directly in front of it (just the exit door). It made it a bit awkward to get access to my carry-on.

Mom asked me whether I wanted an exit row seat (in which case, she said we would have to be at the airport at about 11:30, which would have meant leaving at 10:45), and I said no, because of the awkwardness of carry-on access and the fact that there’s no need of that seat for leg room. So we ended up getting to the airport just after noon.

Guess which seat I have?

17F. Exit row window.

*tag glances around her Plot Bunny Corral to see Saitô and Snape laughing their heads off*

Oh well…

Later, all!

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