Work… Late… Again…

Well, ended up not being an extra 2-1/2 hours, but an extra 4…

Good news for my paycheck, though.

Got home just over half an hour ago. Checked my email, downloaded the corrections and additions I made RuroBatt/Edge of the Blade Chp. 3 Pt. 1 at work, and am now checking LJ Friends.

Then will be giving puddy tats a petting, and going to bed.

Oh well, apparently tonight/tomorrow is supposed to be just a regular shift for me… And it’s my last shift of the week… So looking forward to the weekend…

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Work… Late…

Well, one of my co-workers ended up sick today, so I’m working late (until noon – one of those 12-1/2 hr. shifts). I actually don’t mind, however; and I suspect that anyone reading RuroBatt/Edge of the Blade won’t either, given that I’ve got quite a bit written during this shift… (*g*) It can be rather difficult to warp the manga the way I want it to go, however… Misao’s causing me a bit of trouble – well, actually, she’s busy causing Kenshin the trouble at the moment…

Anyway, having a reasonably good time, and it’s an extra 4-1/2 hours on my paycheck, so that isn’t too bad. And another 2-1/2 hours or so extra tomorrow, because we’re going to need two people here during the day due to renovations going on at the Main Entrance…

Anyway, basically just a general rambling update (I am a bit tired)…

Later, all!

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RuroKen Fans (& Fans of Vathara’s Writing) Note…

Guess what? Vathara’s done it again…

No, I’m afraid it’s not the next Urban Legends… but trust me, you won’t be sorry reading it!

I would like to introduce a new massive crossover by Vathara:

Ethan Rayne’s Very Bad Day: Ethan’s Halloween costume chaos… backfires. Multiple crossover Rurouni Kenshin, Inuyasha, and Pet Shop of Horrors among others. Many others. Be afraid….

AKA Kenshin meets Buffy meets Inuyasha meets Gundam Wing meets Jedi meets comics… *Very Evil Snicker*

This one is highly recommended; it has the adventure and drama of Vathara’s best stories, mixed in with the humour she adds so subtly and so well…

(Can you tell I love this particular story? *G*)

Later, all!

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Coming Soon…

As promised, I will be posting Chapter 2.3 of RuroBatt sometime later today (most likely this afternoon, as I may go to see “Sky High” beforehand). Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to write much more of Chapter 3 this week, because Kenshin and Saitô came up with a new (weird) idea they decided to try out, probably due to my exhaustion from the unexpected two longer shifts I had this week. And since Vathara likes it, and the two characters are getting a kick out of it, it seems I’ve added another RuroKen story to my “Works-In-Progress” collection… (It also means, unfortunately, that I haven’t got Chp. 1 of Correspondence, the sequel to my Harry Potter HBP story Missives, finished yet.)

The good news is that the rain we had on Wednesday morning managed to cool the temperature (mainly by reducing the humidex) down to a more livable level for Wednesday and yesterday (I was almost shivering while doing my outside patrol yesterday morning! It’s great! *G*), so I’ve even been able to turn off my A/C and open the windows to air out my apartment (and keep the cats happy). Fun, fun, fun! Been quite pleased about that.

Anyway, off to get some more work done… Later, all!

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Additional Weather Comment

Okay, we’re currently experiencing a sudden summer storm here… a very powerful sudden thunderstorm! I just opened the main entrance doors about three minutes ago, and had to get up to close them because the wind was blowing the rain in! (We’ll see how long this lasts…)

I’ve also turned the lights in my “office area” up a bit, which might help me push away some of the tiredness.

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*sigh* Work… & Misc.

Well, one of my colleagues is currently sick with the flu (hopefully only the 24 hr. variety), so I have to stay until about noon. One of those 12-1/2 hr. work days, and unfortunately I didn’t get more than about 5 hrs. of sleep yesterday… *sigh*

Going to sleep long and hard as soon as I get home…

In other news, I’m finding that air conditioners and fans are so not good for my jaw/TMJ… Having the air blowing directly on my jaw joint makes things hellishly painful. Which means that I’m quite likely going to have to rearrange my living room, because I can’t move my A/C… (However, I’m very glad to actually have A/C. I’d much rather have to rearrange my living room than be without air conditioning during a Toronto summer, particularly this one.)

Okay, rant over now…

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HP Fic: Missives (HBP Spoilers!)

Be warned: Here be Spoilers for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince!

I got HBP Saturday afternoon (when it was delivered), and finished reading it Sunday morning. This morning, I woke up at 2:30am with Dumbledore, McGonagall, and Snape whispering in my ears, and this was the result. As it’s the first time since December that I’ve been able to get anything from the HP characters, I was more than happy to indulge them right then and there.

Missives: A *Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince* Fanfic

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