So. Once again, November and NaNoWriMo doth approach.
I had this all planned back in August. Since the Bunnies were overwhelmed by Sekirei, and I didn’t end up writing even 2K words of Selkie Maiden for Camp NaNoWriMo in July, I’d just have to write it in November. Great plan, everyone’s happy, right?
Just one problem. The Bunnies decided they were having none of it. I’ve been informed that Selkie Maiden is A) too much of a romance for the Bunnies to deal with right now (don’t ask me why, I haven’t a clue, especially when Sekirei plays with romance); and B) they don’t want to let go of Sekirei yet.
“But,” says the poor author, “November NaNoWriMo is reserved for original fics!”
Bunnies do hand-wave. “We’ll make it an alternate universe and just file the serial numbers off.”
Okay, valid way of doing things, I guess. So… it appears that I will likely be writing a Sekirei fic for November, probably the one in my notes currently titled Here Be Dragons. (It is SF, however…. Well, the OrigFic idea is SF. The fanfic that it seems I’ll be writing in November is fantasy….)
Anyway, that’s where things currently stand with NaNoWriMo 2014. Hope to have more for you soon!
‘Later! π