Cats, Weather, & Walking
Well, I ended up in a much better mood about an hour after my last entry, thanks to some fic. Good fic is a cure for a lot of things. This is just basically a ramble… I just got home … Continue reading
Well, I ended up in a much better mood about an hour after my last entry, thanks to some fic. Good fic is a cure for a lot of things. This is just basically a ramble… I just got home … Continue reading
…Toronto’s weather is weird. See some of my rants below about the winter cold… and then consider the fact that we’re apparently due to have a high of 14C (approx. 57.2F for those poor souls not on the metric system … Continue reading
Get the weather rant over and done with quickly: It’s getting colder! *Wail* Re the book: Finished The Fairy Godmother on the way home from work. I was right – wonderful, engaging book. It even has a small Q&A with … Continue reading
Well, the weather’s definitely wacky – was reasonably balmy this past night (all to the good when I’ve got to be outside doing patrols). Didn’t even need gloves or a scarf – and this was after midnight! Picked up a … Continue reading
Answer: Very clear. Could see the stars (Orion in particular) and the space station very clearly tonight. It’s one of those very cold times when the sky is mostly clear (just a few wisps of clouds) and everything seems sharp-edged … Continue reading
Well, it is very definitely winter here now – windchill temperatures have reached below 0 (Celsius). Gods, I’m not looking forward to going on patrol outside tonight… Mom & Dad, if you’re reading this, you’d better have brought up warm … Continue reading
Well, Toronto’s living up to its reputation for weird weather today. It’s currently sunny with a few dark clouds, but over the past 8 hours, it’s been 1) dark clouds everywhere with a bit of sunshine coming from somewhere; 2) … Continue reading
Well, it seems that after a cool summer and weird autumn, winter is finally here in Toronto (not that that’s a good thing, mind you!). Frosty, cold weather everywhere… ugh! At least we haven’t had snow (crossing my fingers and … Continue reading