And there is currently a red-furred bunny with amber eyes and a reverse-blade sword hopping around my Plot Bunny Corral, insisting that I get this first story in my new fandom written…
I blame Vathara – lucky me has been getting to do some beta-ing on a bunch of her latest inspirations; and trust me, there’s a lot of RuroKen! Of course, this particular bunny of mine is rather different; in fact, I think it’s fairly different than any other RuroKen story I’ve seen out there. For one thing, as far as I’m aware, the level of romance in this story will be zero, which pretty much makes it fairly unique…
For anyone who is interested, here is a basic summary of what the Plot Bunny (the aforementioned amber-eyed red one) has let me know so far:
Item 1: The working title (which won’t be the real title, because I think it gives a bit too much away) is “Rurouni Battousai”.
Item 2: ‘Kenshin no baka’ is a very good act…
Item 3: There is a very strong (read: approx. 99%) probability that it will contain a developing friendship between Kenshin and Saitou. (And I will certainly be doing my best to make it a logical progression…)
Item 4: It will be somewhat AU… (as if the working title didn’t tell you that… *g*)
Item 5: You know, there are times when just defeating someone isn’t enough…
*tag grins very evilly*
I may be posting the prologue at some point…
And here’s hoping this Bunny will also get the Eye of the Storm and Harry Potter and the Sensitive’s Gift ones working as well…
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