Calendar Girls: Little Theatre Group

This afternoon, I went to a presentation of the play “Calendar Girls” (adapted from the movie (2003) of the same name, which was in turn based on a true story), presented by the Little Theatre Group of Costa Rica, a group of English speaking volunteer thespians and crew who have been delighting the audiences of Costa Rica for 59 years now.

I’d already seen a few productions of theirs before, and liked them; but I have to say, I was impressed with “Calendar Girls”. And not just the production itself – which was excellently acting and funny, while addressing some serious issues, but the story behind the play. It’s about a group of middle-aged women in the north of England who got together to do a nude calendar in order to purchase a new sofa for a local hospital, where the husband of one of them had been getting treated for cancer (which proved to be terminal). It was apparently a huge success, and there have been adaptations of it all over the world (including one here in Costa Rica – for the local animal shelters).

And… not only was the play wonderful, all the proceeds from the performance and the small auction that followed are going to assist the Earthquake Fund, for help to the people who suffered in the January 8th earthquake that took place around Poas. Even now, according to the British Ambassador (who was up in that region last week), and someone who has lived in the area for 40 years now, there’s still a huge amount of damage – to homes, to businesses, to community buildings, and to the environment – that needs to be dealt with.

So, not only did we get to see a play that was both poignant and amusing, but assist in helping the victims of the quake. Something to feel proud about.

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Visiting Costa Rica

Well, made my annual journey to Costa Rica on the 11th (of February); going to be here until March 11th. I’m having a relaxing time – something I really, really needed.

We’re heading off to the beach early tomorrow morning (we’re planning to be on the road by 6 am), so I’m quite looking forward to that. We were going to be going to the Caribbean side, but the weather there sucks at the moment (rain, bad winds, and high seas), so we’re going back to the Pacific side, to Esterillos Este again. It’ll be nice to see the familiar beach.

That’s about all for the moment; I’ll post later!

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Saiyuki Fic: Questions Why (838)

Well, it’s finally happened. I’ve written a Saiyuki story (that’s finished – I’ve got a few on the go).

This is shounen-ai/pre-slash Sanzo/Hakkai, rated PG/Teen for Sanzo’s language. If you don’t care for slash, feel free to not read.

Summary: “Why did he do that?” Sanzo had worked hard to make sure that no one liked him….

Questions Why – Pt. 1 of 2

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Health Situation: Sigh of Relief (& Gen. Update)

Well, things are finally at a partially settled state regarding my health (ref: Major Update from August). We’ve got a diagnosis (accuracy somewhat uncertain), and I’ve found out today that I am receiving Long-Term Disability (something which has kept me on financial tenterhooks since my short-term ran out in the end of December). Thus the aforementioned sigh of relief. *g* (And I’ll also be seeing my Mom’s doctor in three weeks – the one who helped so much last year – so we’ll see what happens with that re the diagnosis….)

Partially because of this, December and January have been fairly hectic. I’m finally receiving physiotherapy (for the legs as well as the hand and a few other issues), and am taking advantage of the fact that the physio office I go to also has massage therapy available. (Boy, has it done wonders already, and I’ve only just had my third massage….) So things are starting to look up.

Going to Costa Rica in 2 weeks, 2 days (counting down? Who, me? *innocent halo*), for four weeks, so looking forward to that.

Other than that… well, in terms of fic, Saiyuki and my origfic NaNo novel are currently fighting over my brain, and a friend and I are going to be doing a NaNo of two during February (Feb. 1 to Mar. 2), during which I’ll be working on the sequel to Search and Rescue. Luckily during NaNowriMo in November, I reached the point where I could write about 500 words in 20 minutes to half an hour, so I’ll just be writing for a couple of hours each day. (And several during my flight down to Costa Rica! *g*)

Later, all!
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NaNo Novel Done!

Aside from the re-writes of Chps. 1-3 to mesh in with the change in plot (referred to in my last post), the rough draft of my NaNoWriMo 2008 novel is done! With the last word of Chp. 14 written, it clocks in at 103,009 words (which may change if I get the 1-3 rewrites finished before midnight tomorrow – but for now, that’s how long it is).

I feel very, very proud of myself right now. And I think I have very, very good reason to. Especially considering that at the beginning of the month, I wasn’t even sure I could make 50,000 words, much less actually finish a novel-length work in 30 days. But I did it.

And it’s a story that I like.

Yes, it needs some reasonably major editing, of course – but this rough block of marble has a definitely pleasing shape to it.

Three cheers for NaNoWriMo, Chris Baty, and the Toronto NaNo Community for all the support! And thanks as well to my family, best friends and LJ friends for the same support and encouragement – it did help, guys.

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Yet More NaNo Milestones!

Well, I’ve passed a few milestones in the last few days. I really should have posted on Wednesday, when I made and passed 80,000 words, but I’m afraid I wasn’t feeling terribly well at the time.

However, I am now feeling much better, and have two more milestones to present!

First of all, my wordcount surpassed 90,000 words this afternoon. In fact, as of the moment, it is at 95,889 words.

Secondly, I have reached the end of Chapter 13 (my penultimate – second-last – chapter), and the beginning of the long-awaited climax! (The details of which I found out from my characters yesterday afternoon/evening. Don’t you just love characters that that keep you on your toes like that?)

So I have only one more chapter to write before Search & Rescue is finished (at least, if one doesn’t count the change-in-plot necessitated re-write of Chps. 1-3… which I have to admit, I sort of do), and it looks likely that I will finish it by tomorrow evening/night, with a total word count of over 100,000 words.

In case you hadn’t guessed, I’m ecstatic.

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[Edit: And as of 2350 hrs., I now have the rather amusing word count total of 95,999 words.]

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NaNo Milestone #8 (or #7….)

Well, the Toronto NaNoWriMo Overnight writing session was a huge success. For me, certainly. I not only managed to get over 7,000 words written at the session itself (raising my word count to 70,000 words!), but got another 1,000+ words written after. With a result that yesterday’s word count was 3,710 words, and today’s was a whopping 8,723 words!

Total word count is at this point: 72,812 words.

Pleased as punch….

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NaNo Week #3 Update

Well, I have reached 60,379 words for the end of Week #3 of NaNoWriMo. Doing fairly well, all told. I think I’m over half-way through the story – we’re starting to head towards the climax, at least – so my goal for the end of the month is now to get it finished. Here’s hoping Brendan and Ryuu don’t have any more huge surprises to spring on me….

Overnight writing session tomorrow (Saturday) night; I’m really looking forward to it!

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