Jaw Joints & Migraines…

Ugh. Feel miserable.

You see, I have TMJ – Temporal Mandibular Joint Syndrome. What that means is that there’s a problem with the joint between my upper and lower jaw (the one just in front of the ears) – specifically, in my case (the osteo-arthritis type) the sac that cushions the area where the bones join is pierced. On both sides.

What that means is that even with anti-inflammatories, I get nasty headaches sometimes. And unfortunately, the past couple of days, the weather has not been helping – meaning that shortly after I arrived in at work last night, I ended up with a migraine. Thankfully, my supervisor happens to be very understanding, so not only could I manage the minimum effort (that I like to give – I still do most of it) in terms of patrols, but when she arrived in (which she generally does 45 minutes before the end of my shift), she just got a quick cup of coffee and let me go over 30 minutes early.

And since the time has now arrived when I can take more painkillers (last ones were around 5:20 am), I am going to do so, and then head to bed. *sigh* And I’d really hoped to go over Chp. 1 of RuroBatt during my shift…

Oh well. Here’s hoping sleep and Robaxisal (painkiller/muscle relaxant) will help it go away – or at least reduce it to where I can function without problems.

Sorry – had to get some of that off my chest. LJs seem to be fairly good for that, actually.

Later, all…

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RuroBat Update the Second…

Well, I have now finished the rough draft of Chapter 1 of Rurouni Battôsai – at long last. And speaking of long… it’s about 18 pages in Word, single-spaced… I think it must be one of the – if not the – longest chapters I’ve ever written for anything…

However, please note that the above update very definitely reads ‘rough’. This is because I’m not sure if the last scene (the first half of the confrontation between Kenshin and Saitou at the dojo) works with my premise. Luckily, I’ve got Vathara going through it, so by the time I get it polished up (which hopefully won’t be too long – these particular Plot Bunnies really are quite demanding), it should definitely be up to spec.

Anyway, I’m tired and want to go to bed… so I’ll post more to you all later.


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Important Q & RuroBat/Plot Bunny Update…

Okay, first of all – the important question (which actually applies to Rurouni Battôsai, as it happens):
What’s a good restriction on the length of an entry/LJ-Cut?

To explain… the Prologue to Rurouni Battôsai is 5-1/2 pages long. So far, Chapter 1 is 12+ pages long, and it’s about 2/3 done (which, BTW, is part of the update mentioned in the subject…). So, do I post the entirety of Chp. 1 in one journal entry, or do I split it up so that the entries aren’t too long?

As for the rest of the update… Well, as mentioned in Friday’s entry, Saitou was being difficult, but finally started cooperating. I’d meant to get quite a bit written Saturday at work, but first I got distracted by The Japanese Experience: A Short History of Japan by W. G. Beasley (review coming when I finish)… and then Kenshin decided that since Saitou got to be difficult earlier, it was now his turn.

I finally got him cooperating with about an hour left of my shift… and neither of them has left me alone since then. (Which is how I’ve managed to get 7 pages written over the past 25 hours.) So I’m hoping that Chp. 1 will be done very soon…

Posted in Fic, Plot Bunnies!, Queries, Rurouni Kenshin | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

More on RuroKen, Shinsengumi, Plot Bunnies, and Life…

Well, I just received Vol. 8 of the RuroKen manga today… So far, I’d have to say that this volume is where the manga and the anime are the closest, not only in events, but in a great deal of the dialogue as well. The manga volume ends about halfway through the last episode on the anime DVD volume, however… (Which means that yours truly has to wait until Vol. 9 is released to read more Kenshin & Saitou interaction… *pout*)

On to the next topic…

If anyone reading this knows French at least semi-fluently and is interested in the Shinsengumi, you’re in luck! Remember some entries down I provided the link to the English Wikipedia entry on the Shinsengumi? Well, I was re-reading it a few days ago, and noticed that it was also available in French (as well as Japanese, of course, and what I believe is Russian). So I decided to check out the French Wikipedia entry on the Shinsengumi – and was very glad that I did. Although this entry starts out appearing basically the same as the English one, it turns out to have a great many more details on the history of the Shinsengumi, from what led up to their formation to the final battle of the Shinsengumi, when Hijikata Toshizou was killed; as well as information on the political infighting that plagued the group throughout their existence. Highly recommended if you understand French and want more of the above details.

As for Plot Bunnies… Well, for the RK story, Saitou has finally stopped being difficult, and Chp. 1 is about 1/3 finished (it’s currently about 1 pg shorter than the prologue). The two Plot Bunnies in question (red fur amber-eyed with sakabatou and black fur yellow-eyed with a distinctly wolfish look and a katana) still have the blockade set up so no other Bunnies can get through to me, however…

And as for life in general… tomorrow is the last Saturday I have to work! And the main reason I’m working it this week is to help finish training our new weekend person… So next week, I’m back to just my regular shifts, with my full weekend available! (At which point I may actually manage to get around to watching PeaceMaker Kurogane, graciously lent last month by hethosus…)

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Oh, What A Beautiful Morning…

Despite the fact that it’s rather cloudly out, it’s actually a beautiful day today in T.O. It’s 2C, supposedly feels like -2C, but the feeling of the day is like that of a day in early spring – late March or early April – when the snow’s in the process of melting and trees are starting to put out buds…

Not that that’s happening – except for the snow & ice melting – but that’s what it feels like. A good omen for the New Year, I’d say.

*makes cute-lil-puddy-tat-eyes at everyone* Please read the prologue to my new Rurouni Kenshin story (just below) and review… Please? (*g*) I’m going to be working on Chp. 1 today…

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Weather & RK Story continued…

Well, it’s still raining. And despite what the Weather Network says, I wouldn’t call it a “light rain”.

On the plus side, it’s about 8C… (approx. 64F).

Onto chatting about my latest obsession – the red-furred, amber-eyed Plot Bunny who has taken over my creative faculties…

I was checking out some information for said story online – mainly about the Shinsengumi (I needed Okita’s first name – which it turns out is Souji or Soushi), and found a link for the Wikipedia info on the Shinsengumi, which also included a link to details about Saitou Hajime. Making the assumption that the information on there is correct, Watsuki (the author of “Rurouni Kenshin”) seems to have used accurate historical facts – including Saitou’s alias while working with the police. Quite interesting.

Edited 08:26: Forgot to mention this with regards to the Shinsengumi: apparently, calling them ‘Wolves of Mibu’ was an insult, based on the behaviour of some of the original captains that the people of Kyoto found unacceptable.

And it looks like I’m definitely going to finish the prologue this morning before I head to bed.

Later, all!

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Rain, Rain, Go Away…

Did you know that wet ice can be much more dangerous than dry – well, non-wet – ice?

Yes, it’s another of my weather rants.

It has been pouring with rain since I left for work 4-1/2 hours ago, and has not stopped. And unfortunately, the ice (left over from the freezing rain early last week) around the school grounds – where I have to walk on my exterior patrol – has not yet melted completely. I think in the past two weeks I’ve almost slipped twice – tonight on patrol, I almost slipped (in fact, came very close to slipping) a total of about 8 to 10 times. Not fun.

On the other hand, writing isn’t going too badly. I’m almost finished the prologue of the story mentioned in my previous post – and as soon as Vathara approves it, it will be going up here for comments. Because it’s going to be rather unique in Rurouni Kenshin ficdom, I’d like opinions on it before I post to FF.Net.

Off to make myself a nice, hot drink, and then continue watching the cameras and writing…

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