The Bunnies Are Coming! The Bunnies Are Coming!

And there is currently a red-furred bunny with amber eyes and a reverse-blade sword hopping around my Plot Bunny Corral, insisting that I get this first story in my new fandom written…

I blame Vathara – lucky me has been getting to do some beta-ing on a bunch of her latest inspirations; and trust me, there’s a lot of RuroKen! Of course, this particular bunny of mine is rather different; in fact, I think it’s fairly different than any other RuroKen story I’ve seen out there. For one thing, as far as I’m aware, the level of romance in this story will be zero, which pretty much makes it fairly unique…

For anyone who is interested, here is a basic summary of what the Plot Bunny (the aforementioned amber-eyed red one) has let me know so far:

Basic Summary – Spoilers!

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Yep – It’s A White Christmas…


Bad enough we had ice on top of snow, but to have more snow on top of it? At least the snowfall seems to be easing after about two hours… well, what I can see of it through the security cameras and out the window behind my desk…

Only just over an hour and a half left of my 12 hr. shift – I’m looking forward to going home and spending the rest of the night with the cats.

Had a wonderful Christmas Eve with my aunt at her place, and I got some very nice pressies from everyone. Going to be calling the Newfoundland relatives up tomorrow to offer thanks to my grandmother, and express my wishes that everyone had a good Christmas…

And even being here at work for most of Christmas hasn’t been too bad. It’s always been my habit to spend Christmas afternoon relaxing with any books I manage to get, or writing… and while I haven’t exactly been doing that (while I brought one of the two books I was given to work, I haven’t gotten around to reading it yet – I’ve been pre-occupied with other stuff) it’s still been a fairly relaxing day.

With the exception of the exterior patrols. It’s not fun trying to watch your feet to make sure you don’t slip on the ice that’s on the ground while at the same time trying to check the second and third story windows from outside to make sure they’re all closed… But I managed it, and without any spills! *cheers*

Then got involved in a fascinating email discussion with Vathara (RK, GW, or Stargate fans might know her fics on Fanfiction.Net), going from last night to today, and now I’ve got one of those blasted RK plot bunnies in my corral! (Which is obviously going to have to be expanded – it’s starting to get a wee bit too crowded in there… Wonder if my parents’ place in Costa Rica has the metaphysical space available to provide an expansion?)

Anyway, hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas, and here’s looking forward to a Happy New Year! (Quite in advance, yes, but good wishes never hurt…)


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Whiter Christmas…

Well, it turns out that we’re to expect up to another 5 cms. (2 inches) of snow – and 1.5-2 cms. of freezing rain. Let’s just hope the freezing rain holds off until I’m home from work – and doesn’t freeze into ice over the snow… (That would make tonight a real nightmare!)

Looking forward to tomorrow. Because I’m working Saturday (Christmas) from 11am to 11pm, my aunt and I are going back to a tradition of my younger years and I’m spending Christmas Eve from mid-afternoon onwards over at her place. It’s a tradition I’m quite fond of, and one of the things that I do miss spending Christmas in places other than Toronto.

Ah, good ol’ T.O. – I think this must be the first really white Christmas in a few years at a minimum (though I may be wrong, since I haven’t been here for XMas the past two years…).

Starting to get tired here… Still got another 4 hrs. or so to go. *sigh* Here’s hoping I can stay awake.

*Looking speculatively at the draft of Eye of the Storm, and wondering if it’s worth it to try and get some work done on it…*

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White Christmas

That’s the most appropriate song for tonight, I think…

Admittedly, it’s not yet the 24th. But it’s been snowing since the afternoon (or maybe the morning – I went to bed before 10am, so I’m not entirely sure) and it’s likely the snow’s here to stay for a while…

Yes, it’s Toronto’s first ‘stay-longer-than-a-few-hours’ snowfall of the winter. The city is due 10 cms. (about 4 inches for those in Imperial), with up to 25 cms. due outside the city (thank goodness I don’t live outside!). And it’s the sticky type of snow.

Certainly makes exterior patrolling a nuisance, especially since it hasn’t stopped yet. But it wasn’t too bad…

Now I just have to stay awake and aware until I can leave at noon (yes, it’s another 12-1/2 hr. day for me today…).

Later, all!

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Laughter Is The Best Medicine…

Well, looks like Mom found something to cheer me up so I wouldn’t be thinking so much about the fact that it was -36C out last night at work, and even when I left work, it was still -34C (note: This is with wind-chill), and it’s not due to be that much better tonight. Looking forward to tomorrow, which at the moment is due to have a high of 2C.

I was trying to read this out loud to Mitzy and Aspen, and got to #13 before I couldn’t continue for laughing so hard…

Feline-lovers – and feline-haters – take a look!

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Ramblings From At Home & Tired… (AKA Mishmash of Stuff)

Came across a rather neat website a few days ago – excellent resource for writers who are doing stories involving travel/international plotlines:
World Clock: Time Zones
Check it out!


In terms of what I referenced in my previous post…

On Monday night (after I slept all day, of course – having been up for over 24 hrs. by the time I got home from work in the morning), I found out that my great-uncle Fabian had passed away on Sunday.

I didn’t know Uncle Fabian terribly well – at least not as an adult; I’ve only been out to Newfoundland once in the past ten years – but I do remember him as a wonderful man, who used to take us out in his motorboat up at his cabin, and let us pilot it around the lake… and lent my immediate family the aforementioned cabin at least once or twice when we spent Christmas out east. We generally saw him at least once or twice on visits out there when I was younger, and he was always kind to us. I shall definitely miss him.

One thing I never failed to mention when I told anyone about Uncle Fabian – having been quite proud that he was a member of my family – was that he served a term as lieutenant-governor of Newfoundland (from 1963-1969). It always impressed me greatly that kind, quiet Uncle Fabian spent time as a reasonably important member of the Newfoundland provincial government.


At last, no kids at work for two weeks! Peace and quiet! I may even manage to get some writing done! (*peers guiltily at the current texts of Eye of the Storm and Harry Potter and the Sensitive’s Gift…*)

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Hallelujah… (More Ramblings From Work)

Whoo hoo! *G*

Come tomorrow at noon, the school (for which I am a security guard) will be empty! At least of bra– er, students.

I am so looking forward to the next two weeks, even working 6 days a week.

And speaking of, in case anyone was wondering about the delay in posting anything to this journal, I think I’ve only just managed to fully recover from the busyness of the past week and a half…

I’ll probably post more comments tomorrow – a few things have happened that I need to express myself about, but I’m too drained to do them now.


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Ramblings From Work…

Well, I’m just over 3/4 of the way through my shift, and came up with something while I was on my last patrol…

You know one thing I’d really like for Christmas? A pair of good quality, well-fitting boots, with – as always – low heels (whoever invented high heels had to have either been male or a sadist; luckily, with my height, I don’t need them – not that I’d ever wear them even if I did ‘need’ them…), and going up to just below the knee. Ones that actually look nice as well.

Of course, the problem is always trying to find a pair that would actually fit me…

Oh, and from my earlier exterior patrol: slipping on snow/mud combinations, and landing on said combinations, still hurts. And not only is it wet, it’s also dirty. Not exactly what I’d consider ‘fun’…

But all in all, it’s been a pleasant day so far. Between my Kris Kringle partner and my supervisor (which was a surprise – we were only expecting her to get a gift for the colleague she’d picked in the Kris Kringle), I now have $35 worth of gift certificates for HMV. I think I know exactly what they’re going to help pay for…

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Dinner & Holiday Shopping: Pt. 2

Had a wonderful Cousin’s Belated Birthday Dinner at Scruffy Murphy’s – we got there early enough that there was no crowd in the dining area, and we had excellent food, a reasonable background noise level, and some interesting conversation. Definitely worth going out, even in this weather.

Holiday shopping… I’m stunned at myself. I now have only two or three more people to buy for (c’mon, Papa, what do you want?), and I’ll have everything for everybody!

Even sent out the second batch of Christmas cards… (Newfoundland group, you’ll be getting yours when Alain gets back). I’m simply amazing myself with my efficiency this year.

Going to bed soon – this weekend is going to be busy

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