It’s October 31st. Hallowe’en. But more importantly… it’s the day before NaNoWriMo 2013 starts! Yay!
I’ve had… not the best luck with NaNoWriMo the past two years; I kept getting sick partway through Week 1, and never caught up afterwards. I am determined that this is not going to happen to me this year. Bound and determined.
The plan has been to work on The Trickster’s Trade, Book 2 of my series The Fox’s Journey. Going to have to re-read what I’ve written already (which is not getting put towards the word count!) this evening. This year I also plan to update more often; at least once a week. That should also help keep me on track (the years I’ve been more inclined to update have also been the years I’ve won).
So, Happy Hallowe’en to everyone, and even more importantly, Happy November and NaNoWriMo!
‘Later, all!
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